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RCB Webinar Series

Date & Time Speaker Title Venue
01-04-2022 09:30:00 Dr. Amit Singhal, PhD A*STAR Infectious Deseases Labs, Singapore Investigating Crosstalk of Mycobacterium with Host Metabolism-Point of Intervention Online
25-03-2022 09:30:00 Dr. Ganesh Nagaraju, PhD Professor Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Unraveling the New Roles of RAD51 Paralogs and FANCJ Helicase in Genome Maintenance and Tumor Supperssion Online
21-03-2022 09:30:00 Dr. Kunal Rai, Associate Professor Department of Genomic Medicine UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Exploiting cancer epigenome for precision medicine Online
02-03-2022 09:30:00 Prof. Usha Vijayraghavan, Dean, IISC Bengaluru Codes for the making of a rice flowering stem: roles for evolutionarilt conserved transcription factors MK Bhan Auditorium, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad
28-02-2022 08:30:00 Dr. Pramod Kumar Garg, Executive Director, THSTI Biology enters the Clinic: Are we ready? MK Bhan Auditorium, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad
25-02-2022 09:30:00 Prof. Balaji K.N, IISC Bengaluru Elevated Host Lipid Pools Contribute to Mycobacterial Pathogenesis: The Pathogen's Gambit towards Survival Online
14-02-2022 09:30:00 Professor Luigi Fontana, MD PhD FRACP The University of Sydney Promoting healthy longevity through diet: metabolic and molecular mechanisms. Online
04-02-2022 09:30:00 Prof. Uma Ramakrishnan, Senior Fellow, IA National Centre for Biological Science, Bangalore Evolution in Small and Isolated Tiger Populations Online
21-01-2022 09:30:00 Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chanigarh Mycobacterium tuberculosis biofilms: relevance during infection Online