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2020 - 2021 CAG Report

S. No. Description Remarks
1. Particulars of organization, functions and duties

Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad. For function and duties see website or RCB Act 2016

2. Powers and duties of officers and employees

Powers and duties of officers and employees are as given in the RCB Act, Statutes

3. Decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability

See RCB Act 2016 and Statutes

4. Norms for discharge of functions

See RCB Act 2016 and Statutes

5. Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records used by employees for discharging functions

See RCB Act 2016 and Statutes and Govt. of India orders issued from time to time

6. Categories of documents held or under control

Administrative Office Orders/ Decisions and Guidelines as approved by the by the committees, Annual Report including financial statements, Rules, subordinate legislation

7. Custodian of Documents/Categories

Registrar of Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad
Email: registrar [at] rcb [dot] res [dot] in
Webpage: Link

8. Formulation of public policy or implementation thereof

Not applicable

9. Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies

1. Board of Governors 
2. Executive Committee 
3. Finance Committee 
4. Programme Advisory Committee

10. Directory of faculty, Officers and employees

Telephone Directory