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Drosophila Lab

The Drosophila facility caters to research and teaching needs using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster as model organism at RCB. The facility includes dedicated temperature controlled incubators for Drosophila culturing, anesthesia setup for handling flies, and stereozoom microscopes for visualizing and carrying out dissections of Drosophila. Multiple strains including wild type, transgenic and mutant flies are cultured in the facility as part of ongoing experiments, focused on understanding muscle development and diseases. The facility supports teaching and practical modules in genetics as part of the MSc Biotechnology programme at RCB, conducting experiments using Drosophila as a genetic model. In addition, the facility comes in handy to demonstrate the use of model organisms in research and to explain concepts of genetics to visiting school and college students as part of popularizing and disseminating science.