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BSL-3 Facility

The BSL-3 facility at NCR Biotech Science Cluster is one of the largest BSL-3 facilities in India, with a total area of 3800 square feet which caters to both THSTI and RCB. The facility has been constructed as per the WHO/BMBL guidelines. It is the RCGM approved facility. The facility has been validated for bacteriology and virology set up. The facility is now operational. The facility is fully equipped with sophisticated instruments like Type B2 biosafety cabinets, CO2 incubators, deep freezers, incubator shakers, etc. There are dedicated lab suites, animal holding area and procedure room for both the wings. It is also proposed to make BSL-3 support available for external vaccine developers/manufacturers. This was one of the facilities in the Delhi NCR region, where extensive COVID-19 research works were performed in last 2 years. RCB runs a COVID-19 drug testing centre for the nation under this facility.