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Training programmes

RCB offers research training to post-graduate students of biotechnology related areas from various universities/ institutions/ colleges of repute to carry out their project work towards partial fulfilment of their post-graduate degrees.

Short-term summer training/internships are also offered to students interested in research areas of specialisation in RCB. Selection is based on the strength of resume and evaluation of write-up on their research interests. Selected candidates undergo research training under the mentorship of RCB faculty. They learn to carry out related research projects in collaboration with other group members in the lab.

Trainees get a realistic experience of several facets of conducting modern biological research and embarking on a research career. The training programmes range from two to six months' duration.

RCB also provides short-term training opportunities (2-3 months) to students sponsored by KVPY, INSPIRE, Summer Research Fellowship programme sponsored by Science Academies (INSA, IAS, NASI) etc. Direct applications are NOT considered for the Short-term training program.