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Dr. Anil Thakur
Assistant Professor
  • PhD 2013, Institute of Microbial Technology
  • Postdoc at National Institutes of Health – USA

Fungal pathogens pose a significant threat to human health due to their pathogenicity and increasing antifungal drug resistance. These eukaryotic invaders utilize diverse strategies to infect hosts, particularly immunocompromised individuals, resulting in diseases with high mortality rates. Addressing this global health challenge demands innovative approaches to develop effective therapeutic strategies.

Our research focuses on the critical role of protein translation in pathogenic fungi, particularly Candida species, which present a growing concern due to their escalating drug resistance. This resistance complicates treatment and increases mortality rates. Protein translation, a fundamental cellular process, is essential for fungal growth, development, and virulence. However, the regulatory mechanisms that modulate the global translatome and fine-tune the translation of specific mRNA subgroups required for host adaptation and survival under infection-induced stress remain under-explored.

By investigating the translation machinery of Candida species, our objective is to identify molecular targets crucial for fungal survival and virulence. Targeting these key components of the translation process offers a promising strategy to disrupt fungal growth and adaptability within the host. This approach has the potential to pave the way for the development of novel antifungal agents, addressing the limitations of current treatments.

Ultimately, our research aims to bridge fundamental biological insights with translational applications, providing hope for combating the growing threat of fungal infections and improving outcomes for affected individuals worldwide.

  • Recipient of Ramalingaswami Fellowship - 2020
  • Visiting postdoctoral fellowship at National Institutes of Health – USA, in 2013-2019
  • ESF EMBO young scientist travel award in (2011) to attend the conference on “Glutathione and Related Thiols in Living Cells” at Spain.
  • Travel award in 2011 from CSIR and DBT India to attend the conference on “Glutathione and Related Thiols in Living Cells” at Spain.
  • Awarded Senior Research Fellowship from CSIR India in year 2009-2012.
  • Awarded Junior Research Fellowship from CSIR India in year 2007-2009.
  • Placed among top 20 percent candidates in National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship by CSIR India, December 2006.
  • Qualified GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) in life sciences.
  • Awarded best student resident trophy from Govt. College Sector – 11 Chandigarh.

Selected Publications

All Publications

  1. Biswambhar Biswas, Aiswarya Rana, Nidhi Gupta, Ishaan Gupta, Rekha Puria and Anil Thakur*. A novel robust method mimicking human substratum to dissect theheterogeneity of Candida auris biofilm formation. MicrobiologySpectrum: Microbiol Spectr 2023 Jul 13;e0089223.doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00892-23
  2. Arsha Khari, Biswambhar Biswas, Garima Gangwar, Anil Thakur and Rekha Puria (2023). Candida auris biofilm: a review on model to mechanism conservation. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 20323 Mar:21(3):295-308
  3. Biswambhar Biswas, Garima Gangwar, Vikrant Nain, Ishaan gupta, Anil Thakur* and Rekha Puria* Rapamycin and Trin2 inhibit Candida auris TOR: Insights Through Growth profilling, docking and MD simulations. JBiomol Struct Dyn. 2022Oct 20;1-
  4. Aishwarya Rana#, Nidhi Gupta# and Anil Thakur* (2021) Post-transcriptional and translational control of the morphology and virulence in human fungal pathogens. Molecular Aspects of medicines, Sep 5:101017. doi: 10.1016/j.mam.2021.101017
  5. Anil Thakur*, Swati Gaikwad, Anil Vijjamarri and Alan G. Hinnebusch* (2020) eIF2α interactions with mRNA control accurate start codon selection by the translation preinitiation complex. Nucleic Acid research, 9;48(18):10280-10296.
  6. Anil Thakur#, Laura Marler# and Alan G. Hinnebusch (2019) A network of eIF2 interactions with eIF1 and Met-tRNAi promotes accurate start codon selection by the translation preinitiation complex. Nucleic Acid Research, 8;47(5):2574-2593
  7. Anil Thakur and Alan G. Hinnebusch (2018) eIF1 Loop 2 interactions with Met-tRNAi control the accuracy of start codon selection by the scanning preinitiation complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1;115(18): E4159-E4168.
  8. Jinsheng Dong, Colin Echeverría Aitken, Anil Thakur, Byung-Sik Shin, Jon R. Lorsch , and Alan G. Hinnebusch (2017). Rps3/uS3 promotes mRNA binding at the 40S ribosome entry channel and stabilizes preinitiation complexes at start codons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 14;114(11): E2126-E2135
  9. Mohaammad Zulkifil, Shambu Yadav, Anil Thakur, Shiffalli Singla, Monika Sharma and Anand K. Bachhawat (2016) Substrate specificity and mapping of residues critical for transport in the high-affinity glutathione transporter Hgt1p. Biochemical Journal, 1;473(15):2369-82.
  10. Jose L. Llácer#, Tanweer Hussain#, Laura Marler, Colin Echeverría Aitken, Anil Thakur, Jon R. Lorsch, Alan G. Hinnebusch and V. Ramakrishnan (2015) Conformational Differences between Open and Closed States of the Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Complex. Molecular Cell, 6; 59(3): 399–412.
  11. Anil Thakur and Anand K. Bachhawat (2015). Charged/Polar-residue scanning of the hydrophobic face of transmembrane domain 9 of the yeast glutathione transporter, hgt1p, reveals a conformationally critical region for substrate transport. Published in G3 (Genes, Genomes, Genetics) Bethesda, 16;5(5):921-9.
  12. Anil Thakur and Anand K. Bachhawat (2013). Mutation in the N-terminal region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe glutathione transporter Pgt1 allows functional expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast, 30(2):45-54.
  13. Anand K. Bachhawat, Anil Thakur, Jaspreet Kaur and M.Zulkifli (2013). Glutathione transporters. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1830(5):3154-64.
  14. Prashant R Desai#, Anil Thakur#, Dwaipayan Ganguli, Sanjoy Paul, Joachim Morschhauser and Anand K. Bachhawat (2011). Glutathione utilization by Candida albicans requires a functional Dug pathway and OPT7, an unusual member of the Oligopeptide transporter family. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2;286(48):41183-94.
  15. Anil Thakur and Anand K. Bachhawat (2010). The role of transmembrane domain 9 in substrate recognition by the fungal high-affinity glutathione transporters. Biochemical Journal, 1;429(3):593-602.
  16. Anil Thakur, Jaspreet Kaur and Anand K. Bachhawat (2008). Pgt1, a glutathione transporter from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. FEMS Yeast Research, 8(6):916-29.
Dr. Anil Thakur
Assistant Professor

Regional Centre for Biotechnology
NCR Biotech Science Cluster
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
P.O. Box No. 3, Faridabad - 121 001
Haryana (NCR Delhi), India e-mail: anil dot thakur at rcb dot res dot in
Phone: 91 0129-2848738

no text anil[dot]thakur[at]rcb[dot]res[dot]in
no text 91 0129-2848738

Dr. Anil Thakur