Integrated PhD Student
We use interdisciplinary approach including system, synthetic and molecular biology tools to develop microbial strains for industrial applications. The overarching aim of laboratory are:
To decipher the molecular mechanisms behind cellulase production in cellulolytic fungus.
Recent interest towards shifting to non-food-based feedstock for biofuel production has resulted in the exploitation of agricultural residues as feedstock. The filamentous fungi are exploited industrially for the hydrolysis of waste agricultural residues to fermentable sugar as they possess an array of plant biomass-degrading enzymes.
However, the molecular mechanism underlying the production of biomass-degrading enzymes from cellulolytic fungi is still unknown. Our laboratory employs proteomic and transcriptional mining of cellulolytic fungi to understand how a fungus senses and responds to different carbon sources. The knowledge gained will provide cues for improving fungal strains for cost-effective and efficient disintegration of plant biomass into monomeric residues.
To develop biocatalysts for food applications.
The lab aims to develop food for special medical purposes (FSMP) using protein engineering and immobilization approaches. For instance, a low-phenylalanine diet is the mainstay treatment for phenylketonuria, an autosomal recessive disorder.
Available amino acid-based dietary supplements are expensive, require arduous purification steps and are inadequate to meet market demands. Our laboratory aims to generate a sustainable low-phenylalanine protein supplement using immobilized enzymes. The process aims to reduce the phenylalanine levels in existing protein supplements.
Regional Centre for Biotechnology
NCR Biotech Science Cluster
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
P.O. Box No. 3, Faridabad - 121 001
Haryana (NCR Delhi), India
E-mail: nidhi dot adlakha at rcb dot res dot in
Phone: 91 129-2848977