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Dr. Saikat Bhattacharjee
Associate Professor
  • PhD 2004, Purdue University, USA
    Postdoc at University of Missouri and Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, USA

Plants mount highly elaborate, layered, and complex defenses against constantly invading pathogens. These multi-layered defenses, broadly termed PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI), account for responses to the perception of conserved molecular patterns present on a pathogen surface or to a specific pathogen effector secreted and sensed within the plant cell by a cognate resistance (R) protein, respectively.

Although genetic screens and subsequent molecular approaches have identified several key immune players, our present understanding clearly suggests that signaling in ETI defies the conventional step-wise linear arrangements of signal receivers and transducers. Instead, effector activities that cause alterations in the dynamics of protein interactomes between the R protein with positive and negative regulators directly mediate the sensing and transduction of signals. 

The broad goal of our research group is to unravel this mystery at a molecular level. We utilize various pathosystems to identify routes for defense signal transduction and how pathogen effectors are intercepted or escape perception by the plant immune sentinels.

Broadly, we investigate the role of inositol compounds in the assembly of defense players and in the downstream signaling. This includes elucidation of inositol metabolite profiles in mutants altered in defense responses in order to identify specific signalling routes and also explore the synergistic and antagonistic cross-talk between hormonal pathways and how pathogen effectors or induced ETI impinge on this network.

In parallel, we also investigate the molecular understanding of pathogen effector evolution that often challenges the biotechnological effort to improve plant resistance. Our goal is to identify molecular hubs in diverse plant hosts that are targeted by unrelated pathogen effectors. We aim to engineer these immune hubs to facilitate broad-spectrum defenses in crop plants.

  1. Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship(2013-2017)
  2. Bonn International Fellowship (2025)

Selected Publications

  1. Roy A, Ghosh D, Kasera M, Girish TR, Nori S, Vemanna RS, Mohapatra S, Surya Narayan S, Bhattacharjee S*. Kappaphycus alvarezii-derived formulations enhance salicylic acid-mediated anti-bacterial defenses in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. (2022) J. Appl. Phycol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-021-02658-y [*corresponding author].
  2. Gulabani H#, Goswami K#, Walia Y, Roy A, Noor JJ, Ingole KD, Kasera M, Laha D, Giehl RFH, Schaaf G, Bhattacharjee S*. Arabidopsis inositol polyphosphate kinases IPK1 and ITPK1 modulate crosstalk between SA‑dependent immunity and phosphate‑starvation responses. (2021). Plant Cell Reports. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-021-02812-3 [# Equal contribution; * corresponding author].
  3. Kasera M, Ingole KD, Rampuria S, Walia Y, Gassmann W, Bhattacharjee S*. Global SUMOylome Adjustments in Basal Defenses of Arabidopsis thaliana Involve Complex Interplay Between SMALL-UBIQUITIN LIKE MODIFIERs and the Negative Immune Regulator SUPPRESSOR OF rps4-RLD1. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 30 September 2021 https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.680760 [* corresponding author].
  4. Dahale SK, Ghosh D, Ingole KD, Chugani A, Kim SH, Bhattacharjee S*. HopA1 Effector from Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae Strain 61 Affects NMD Processes and Elicits Effector-Triggered Immunity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 7440 (https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22147440) [* corresponding author].
  5. Ingole KD, Kasera M, van den Burg H*, Bhattacharjee, S*. Antagonism between SUMO1/2 and SUMO3 regulates SUMO conjugate levels and fine-tunes immunity. (2021). J. Exp. Bot. In press (doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab296) [* co-corresponding author].
  6. Ingole KD, Dahale SK, Bhattacharjee S*. (2021). Proteomic analysis of SUMO1-SUMOylome changes during defense elicitation in Arabidopsis. J. Proteomics. 232: 104054 [* corresponding author].
  7. Bhattacharjee S*, Noor JJ, Gohain B, Gulabani H, Dnyaneshwar IK, Singla A. (2015)  Post-translational modifications in regulation of pathogen surveillance and signaling in plants: The inside- (and perturbations from) outside story. IUBMB Life 67:524 [* corresponding author].
  8. Bhattacharjee S*, Garner CM, Gassmann W*. (2013) New clues in the nucleus: transcriptional reprogramming in effector-triggered immunity. Front Plant Sci 4:364 [* co-corresponding author].

All Publications

  1. Roy A, Ghosh D, Kasera M, Girish TR, Nori S, Vemanna RS, Mohapatra S, Surya Narayan S, Bhattacharjee S*. Kappaphycus alvarezii-derived formulations enhance salicylic acid-mediated anti-bacterial defenses in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. (2022) J. Appl. Phycol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-021-02658-y [corresponding author]
  2. Gulabani H#, Goswami K#, Walia Y, Roy A, Noor JJ, Ingole KD, Kasera M, Laha D, Giehl RFH, Schaaf G, Bhattacharjee S*. Arabidopsis inositol polyphosphate kinases IPK1 and ITPK1 modulate crosstalk between SA‑dependent immunity and phosphate‑starvation responses. (2021). Plant Cell Reports. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-021-02812-3. [# Equal contribution; * corresponding author]
  3. Kasera M, Ingole KD, Rampuria S, Walia Y, Gassmann W, Bhattacharjee S*. Global SUMOylome Adjustments in Basal Defenses of Arabidopsis thaliana Involve Complex Interplay Between SMALL-UBIQUITIN LIKE MODIFIERs and the Negative Immune Regulator SUPPRESSOR OF rps4-RLD1. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 30 September 2021 https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.680760 [* corresponding author]
  4. Dahale SK, Ghosh D, Ingole KD, Chugani A, Kim SH, Bhattacharjee S*. HopA1 Effector from Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae Strain 61 Affects NMD Processes and Elicits Effector-Triggered Immunity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 7440. (https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22147440) [* corresponding author]
  5. Ingole KD, Kasera M, van den Burg H*, Bhattacharjee, S*. Antagonism between SUMO1/2 and SUMO3 regulates SUMO conjugate levels and fine-tunes immunity. (2021). J. Exp. Bot. In press (doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab296). [* corresponding author]
  6. Dabas P, Dhingra Y, Sweta K, Chakrabarty M, Singhal R, Tyagi P, Behera PM, Dixit A, Bhattacharjee S*, Sharma N*. Arabidopsis thaliana possesses two novel ELL Associated Factor (EAF) Homologs. IUBMB Life In press (doi: 10.1002/iub.2513). [* corresponding author]
  7. Ingole KD, Dahale SK, Bhattacharjee S*. (2021). Proteomic analysis of SUMO1-SUMOylome changes during defense elicitation in Arabidopsis. J. Proteomics. 232: 104054. [* corresponding author]
  8. Kang H, Nguyen Q-M, Iswanto ABB, Hong JC, Gassmann W, Bhattacharjee S, Kim SH. (2021). Nuclear Localization of HopA1Pss61 Is Required for Effector-Triggered Immunity. Plants. In press (doi: 10.3390/plants10050888).
  9. Bakade R, Ingole KD, Deshpande S, Pal G, Patil SS, Bhattacharjee S, Prasanna Kumar MK, Ramu VS. (2021). Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Rice Resistant and Susceptible Genotypes to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Identifies Novel Genes to Control Bacterial Leaf Blight. Mol. Biotech. In Press (doi.org/10.1007/s12033-021-00338-3.
  10. Thakur SK, Goswami K, Rao P, Kaushik S, Singh BP, Sharma PK, Asthana S, Bhattacharjee, S., Guchhait P, Eswaran SV. (2020). A Fluoresceinated Aminohexanol Tethered Inositol Hexakisphosphate: Studies on Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster and Docking with 2P1M Receptor Implications for consumption of dry fruits and human health. ACS Omega 13;5(16):9585-9597.
  11. Thakur SK, Goswami K, Bhattacharjee S, Soni U, Guchhait P, Eswaran, S.V. (2019). A Water Soluble Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Aryl Aziridino Carboxylic Acid Decorated Mn (II) Complex Increased Root Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chem. Select. 4: 13604– 13609
  12. Halane MK, Kim SH, Spears BJ, Garner CM, Rogan CJ, Okafor EC, Su J, Bhattacharjee S, Gassmann W. (2018). The Bacterial Type III-Secreted Protein AvrRps4 is a Bipartite Effector. PLoS Pathog. Mar 30;14(3): e1006984.
  13. Meteignier LV, Zhou J, Cohen M, Bhattacharjee S, Brosseau C, Caamal Chan, MG, Robatzek S, Moffett P. (2016). NB-LRR signaling induces translational repression of viral transcripts and the formation of RNA processing bodies through mechanisms differing from those activated by UV stress and RNAi. J. Exp. Bot. 67(8): 2353 - 2366.
  14. Bhattacharjee S, Noor JJ, Gohain B, Gulabani H, Dnyaneshwar IK, Singla A. (2015)  Post-translational modifications in regulation of pathogen surveillance and signaling in plants: The inside- (and perturbations from) outside story. IUBMB Life 67:524
  15. Kim SH, Son GH, Bhattacharjee S, Kim HJ, Nam JC, Nguyen PD, Hong JC, Gassmann W. (2014) The Arabidopsis immune adaptor SRFR1 interacts with TCP transcription factors that redundantly contribute to effector-triggered immunity. 
    Plant J 78:978.
  16. Bhattacharjee S, Garner CM, Gassmann W. (2013) New clues in the nucleus: transcriptional reprogramming in effector-triggered immunity. Front Plant Sci 4:364.
  17. Kim TH, Hans-Henning K, Bhattacharjee S, Hauser F, Park JY, Engineer C, Liu A, Ha T, Parker JE, Gassmann W, Schroeder JI. (2012) Natural Variation in Small Molecule-Induced TIR-NB-LRR Signaling Induces Root Growth Arrest via EDS1 and PAD4-Co-complexed R Protein VICTR. The Plant Cell 24:5177.
  18. Gassmann W, Bhattacharjee S. (2012) Effector-triggered immunity signaling: From gene-for-gene pathways to protein-protein interaction networks. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 25:862.
  19. Bhattacharjee S, Halane MK, Kim SH, Gassmann W. (2011). Pathogen effectors target Arabidopsis EDS1 and alter its interactions with immune regulators. Science 334(6061):1405.
  20. Jaubert MJ, Bhattacharjee S, Mello AFS, Perry KL, Moffett P. (2011) AGO2 mediates RNA silencing anti-viral defenses against Potato virus X in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol156:1556.
  21. Kim SH, Gao F, Bhattacharjee S, Adiasor JA, Nam JC, Gassmann W. (2010) The Arabidopsis resistance-like gene SNC1 is activated by mutations in SRFR1 and contributes to resistance to the bacterial effector AvrRps4. PLoS Pathogens 6:e1001172.
  22. Liu PP, Bhattacharjee S, Klessig D, Moffett P. (2010) Systemic acquired resistance is induced by R gene-mediated responses independent of cell death. Mol. Plant Pathol. 11155.
  23. Bhattacharjee S, Zamora A, Azhar MT, Sacco MA, Lambert LH, Moffett P. (2009) Virus resistance induced by NB-LRR proteins involves Argonaute4-dependent translational control. Plant J 58:940.
  24. Kim SH, Kwon SI, Bhattacharjee S, Gassmann W. (2009) Regulation of defense gene expression by Arabidopsis SRFR1. Plant Signaling and Behavior 4:149.
  25. Kwon SI, Kim SH, Bhattacharjee S, Noh JJ, Gassmann W. (2009) SRFR1, a suppressor of effector-triggered immunity, encodes a conserved tetratricopeptide repeat protein with similarity to transcriptional repressors. Plant J 57:109.
  26. Bhattacharjee S, Lee LY, Oltmanns H, Cao H, Veena, Cuperus J, Gelvin SB. (2008) IMPa-4, an Arabidopsis importin isoform, is preferentially involved in Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. Plant Cell 20:2661.
  27. Zhu Y, Nam J, Humara JM, Mysore KS, Lee LY, Cao H, Valentine L, Li J, Kaiser A, Kopecky A, Hwang HH, Bhattacharjee S, Rao P, Tzfira T, Rajagopal J, Yi H, Veena,Yadav BS, Crane Y, Lin K, Larcher Y, Gelvin M, Knue M, Ramos C, Zhao X, Davis S, Kim SI, Ranjith-Kumar CT, Choi YJ, Hallan V, Chattopadhyay S, Sui X, Ziemienowicz A, Matthysse AG, Citovsky V, Hohn B, Gelvin SB. (2003) Identification of Arabidopsis rat mutants. Plant Physiol 132:494.
  28. Tao Y, Rao PK, Bhattacharjee S, Gelvin S.B. (2004) Expression of a plant protein phosphatase 2C interferes with nuclear import of the Agrobacterium T-complex protein VirD2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:5164.
  29. Deewangan BP, Gupta A, Sah RK, Das S, Kumar S, Bhattacharjee S, Pawar PA-M (2023). Xylobiose treatment triggers a defense-related response and alters cell wall composition. Plant Mol. Biol. 113(6): 383-400.
  30. Chaudhari AA, Sharma AM, Rastogi L, Dewangan BP, Sharma R, Singh D, Sah RK, Das S, Bhattacharjee S, Mellerowicz EJ, Pawar PA-M (2024). Modifying lignin composition and xylan O-acetylation induces changes in cell wall composition, extractability, and digestibility. Biotech. Biofuels Bioprod. 17(1):73.
  31. Laha NP, Giehl RFH, Riemer E, Qui D, Pullagurla NJ, Schneider R, Dhir YW, Yadav R, Mihiret YE, Gaugler P, Gaugler V, Mao H, Zheng N, von Wiren N, Saiardi A, Bhattacharjee S, Jessen JH, Laha D, Schaaf G. INOSITOL (1,3,4) TRIPHOSPHATE 5/6 KINASE1-dependent inositol polyphosphates regulate auxin responses in Arabidopsis. (2022). Plant Physiol. 190: 2722-2728.
  32. Thakur SK, Goswami K, Kumar A, Bhattacharjee S, Eswaran SV. Gwal pahari Acid: Isolation, characterization of a new soil based growth promoting humic acid. (2023). Sust. Dev. Res. 5: p44
Dr. Saikat Bhattacharjee
Associate Professor

Regional Centre for Biotechnology
NCR Biotech Science Cluster
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
P.O. Box No. 3, Faridabad - 121 001
Haryana (NCR Delhi), India
E-mail: saikat at rcb dot res dot in
Phone: 91 129-2848837

no text saikat[at]rcb[dot]res[dot]in
no text 91 129-2848837

Dr. Saikat Bhattacharjee