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Dr. Tushar K Maiti
  • Postdoc at Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan), Purdue University (USA), and Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
  • PhD 2005, Indian Institute of Technology
  • Professor

Protein metabolism is fundamental to cellular function, encompassing the continuous processes of protein synthesis, folding, transport, and degradation. Chaperones ensure that the newly synthesized proteins achieve their correct functional conformation. The protein synthesis machinery, proteasome, and autophagosome are vital for protein homeostasis within the cell. However, stress and aging can disrupt the homeostatic balance of proteins by impairing their clearance mechanisms, resulting in misfolding, accumulation, and cellular dysfunction. Defective protein folding, aggregation, and impaired clearance are hallmark features of human neurodegenerative disorders, cancers, and metabolic diseases. Our research aims to delineate the mechanism of protein misfolding, aggregation, and protein quality control systems in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in Parkinson’s disease (PD).

The lab also addresses preterm birth, a major global health issue, by leading proteomics studies on pregnancy complications. In collaboration with THSTI, the group aims to discover early biomarkers for preeclampsia, preterm birth, and gestational diabetes mellitus. 

Proteostasis mechanism in Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) manifests as a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder marked by motor neuron dysfunction, such as rigidity, resting tremor, and postural instability, stemming from the gradual loss of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, notably the substantia nigra. While most PD cases are sporadic, approximately 10% are familial, with several implicated genes, including α-synuclein, PINK1, Parkin, DJ-1, GBA1, UCHL1, VCP35, and LRRK2. Clinical and experimental data emphasize α-synuclein's pivotal role, with its increased expression, point mutations, and cytoplasmic accumulation in aging brains as significant risk factors. Neuroinflammation significantly contributes to PD progression, involving microglial activation and the release of pro-inflammatory molecules, exacerbating dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Mechanisms underlying neuroinflammation in PD, such as α-synuclein-induced microglial activation and oxidative stress, remain complex and multifaceted. The protein clearance system, encompassing the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and autophagy, is critical in mitigating misfolded protein aggregates implicated in PD pathogenesis. Dysfunction in these clearance mechanisms can lead to aggregate accumulation and subsequent neurodegeneration. Therapeutic strategies targeting protein clearance pathways offer potential avenues for PD treatment, though further research is imperative to comprehend their intricate interplay and develop effective interventions. Our research aims to elucidate protein aggregation mechanisms and their impact on PD progression.

Inter-organ communication in Parkinson’s disease

Inter-organ crosstalk in Parkinson's disease (PD) involves dynamic bidirectional communication between various organs and systems, influencing disease onset and progression. While PD is primarily recognized as a neurodegenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system (CNS), emerging evidence highlights the significant role of peripheral organs, including the gut, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, and immune system in its pathogenesis. Our laboratory employs transgenic mice models and human patient studies to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this inter-organ communication, aiming to unravel disease pathology and progression.

Biomarker discovery in Pregnancy complications

Preterm birth stands as a significant global public health challenge, representing the primary cause of neonatal mortality. India accounts for approximately a quarter of global preterm births and related deaths. From a clinical standpoint, comprehending the molecular mechanisms underlying preterm birth is imperative for early prediction and prevention. RCB collaborates with THSTI, NIBMG, Gurugram General Hospital, and several other institutions for the Inter-institutional Advanced Research on Birth Outcome-DBT India Initiative (GARBH-Ini), with our team leading the proteomics component. Moreover, our involvement in the global Multi-Omics for Mothers and Infants (MOMI) Consortium allows us to address diverse inquiries related to pregnancy complications. At the heart of our endeavors lies the overarching objective of pinpointing biomarkers crucial for early preterm birth detection

Selected Publications

  1. Kharbanda N, Biswas A, Tiwari A, Tailor P, Saha S, Wadhwa N, Thiruvengadam R, Salunke DM, Bhatnagar S, GARBH-Ini study group, Kshetrapal P, Maiti TK (2025) Placental proteomics identifies elevated Aldo-keto Reductase 1-B1 levels in preterm birth. J Proteome Res, doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.4c00698. 
  2. Majumder S, Srivastava M, Alam P, Saha S, Kumari R, Chand AK, Asthana S, Sen S, Maiti TK (2024) Hotspot site microenvironment in the deubiquitinase OTUB1 drives its stability and aggregation. J Biol. Chem. 300:107315.
  3. Saha S, Verma R, Kumar C, Kumar B, Dey AK, Surjit M, Mylavarapu SVS, and Maiti TK (2022) Proteomic analysis revealed USP7 as a novel regulator of palmitic acid-induced hepatocellular carcinoma cell death. Cell Death Disease, 13:563.
  4. Kumar B, Dey AK, Saha S, Singh AK, Kshetrapal P, Wadhwa N, Thiruvengadam R, Desiraju BK, Bhatnagar S, Salunke DM, Rashid F, Malakar D, Maiti TK, GARBH-Ini Study Group (2021) Dynamic Alteration in the Vaginal Secretory Proteome across the Early and Mid-Trimesters of Pregnancy. J Proteome Res. 20:1190. 
  5. Kumari R, Kumar R, Kumar S, Singh AK, Hanpude P, Jangir D, Maiti TK (2020) Amyloid aggregates of the deubiquitinase OTUB1 are neurotoxic, suggesting that they contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease. J Biol. Chem. 295:3466.

All Publications

  1. Kharbanda N, Biswas A, Tiwari A, Tailor P, Saha S, Wadhwa N, Thiruvengadam R, Salunke DM, Bhatnagar S, GARBH-Ini study group, Kshetrapal P, Maiti TK (2025) Placental proteomics identifies elevated Aldo-keto Reductase 1-B1 levels in preterm birth. J Proteome Research, doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.4c00698. 
  2. Kumari K, Bisht KS, Ahuja K, Motiani RK, and Maiti TK (2024) Glycation produces topologically different ɑ-synuclein oligomeric strains and modulates microglia response via the NLRP3-inflammasome pathway ACS Chem Neuroscience, 15, 3640-3654 
  3. Mohapatra SS, Bisht KS, Dhar S, Biswas VK, Raghav SK, Kar RK, Maiti TK, and Biswas A (2024) Inhibition of amyloidal aggregation of insulin by amino acid conjugated bile acids: An insight into the possible role of biosurfactants in modulating the fibrillation kinetics and cytotoxicity. J Mol Liq. 397:124142
  4. Majumder S, Srivastava M, Alam P, Saha S, Kumari R, Chand AK, Asthana S, Sen S, Maiti TK (2024) Hotspot site microenvironment in the deubiquitinase OTUB1 drives its stability and aggregation. J Biol. Chem. 300:107315
  5. Agarwal S, Saha S, Ghosh R, Sarmadhikari D, Asthana S, Maiti TK, Khadgawat R, Guchhait P (2024) Elevated glycosylation of CD36 in platelets is a risk factor for oxLDL-mediated platelet activation in type 2 diabetes. FEBS J, 291:376-391.
  6. Raheja H, George B, Tripathi SK, Saha S, Maiti TK, Das S (2023) Hepatitis C virus non-structural proteins modulate cellular kinases for an increased cytoplasmic abundance of host factor HuR and facilitate viral replication. PLoS Pathog. 19: e1011552
  7. Kumar S, Verma R, Saha S, Agrahari AK, Shukla S, Singh ON, Berry U, Anurag, Maiti TK, Asthana S, Ranjith-Kumar CT, Surjit M (2023) RNA-Protein Interactome at the Hepatitis E Virus Internal Ribosome Entry Site. Microbiol Spectr.11: e0282722. 
  8. Pant A, Bisht KS, Aggarwal S, Maiti TK (2022) Human gut microbiota and Parkinson's disease. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci, 192: 281-307.
  9. Uddin A, Malla JA, Kumar H, Kumari M, Sinha S, Sharma VK, Kumar Y, Talukdar P, Lahiri M, Maiti TK, Hazra P (2022) Development of a Systematic Strategy toward Promotion of α-Synuclein Aggregation Using 2-Hydroxyisophthalamide-Based Systems. Biochemistry, 61:2267-2279.
  10. Pant A, Maiti TK, Mahajan D, Das B (2022) Human Gut Microbiota and Drug Metabolism. Microb Ecol, 23: 1-15.
  11. Navalkar, A, Pandey S, Paul A, Dey AK, Saha S, Sahoo S, Jolly MK, Maiti TK, and Maji SK (2022) Oncogenic gain of function due to p53 amyloids by aberrant alteration of cell cycle and proliferation. J Cell Sci. 135: jcs259500.
  12. Saha S, Verma R, Kumar C, Kumar B, Dey AK, Surjit M, Mylavarapu SVS, Maiti TK (2022) Proteomic analysis revealed USP7 as a novel regulator of palmitic acid-induced hepatocellular carcinoma cell death. Cell Death Disease, 13:563.
  13. Kumari R, Kumar R, Dey AK, Saha S, Maiti TK (2022) S-Nitrosylation of OTUB1 Alters Its Stability and Ubc13 Binding. ACS Chem Neurosci, 13:1517.
  14. Khurana H, Srivastava M, Chaudhary D, Gosain TP, Kumari R, Bean AC, Chugh S, Maiti TK, Stephens CE, Asthana S, Singh R (2021) Identification of diphenyl furan derivative via high throughput and computational studies as ArgA inhibitor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Int J Biol Macromol. 193:1845.
  15. Verma R, Saha S, Kumar S, Mani S, Maiti TK, Surjit M (2021) RNA-Protein Interaction Analysis of SARS-CoV2 5' and 3' Untranslated regions reveals a role of Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein-2a during viral Infection. mSystems, 6: e0064321.
  16. Kumar S, Kumar R, Kumari M, Kumari R, Saha S, Maiti TK. (2021) Ellagic acid inhibits alpha-synuclein aggregation at multiple states and reduced its cytotoxicity. ACS Chem Neurosci. 12:1919.
  17. Kumari R and Maiti TK (2021) Calpain-2 participates in the process of calpain-1 inactivation by Shinkai-Ouchi et al. Bioscience Reports,41:BS20203690.
  18. Srikanth S, Rizvi ZA, Pandey RP, Dalal R, Rathore DK, Kumar B, Pandey M, Kumar Y, Goel R, Maiti TK, Tiwari A, Johri AK, Pandey AK, Awasthi A (2021) Gefitinib results in robust host-directed immunity against Salmonella infection through proteo-metabolomic reprogramming. Front. Immunol, 12: 648710.
  19. Pani T, Rajput K, Kar A, Sharma H, Basak R, Medatwal N, Saha S, Dev G, Kumar S, Gupta S, Mukhopadhyay A, Malakar D, Maiti TK, Arimbasseri AG, Deo SVS, Sharma RD, Bajaj A, Dasgupta U (2021) Alternative splicing of ceramide synthase 2 alters levels of specific ceramides and modulates cancer cell proliferation and migration in Luminal B breast cancer subtype. Cell Death Dis. 12:171.
  20. Kumar B, Dey AK, Saha S, Singh AK, Kshetrapal P, Wadhwa N, Thiruvengadam R, Desiraju BK, Bhatnagar S, Salunke DM, Rashid F, Malakar D, Maiti TK, GARBH-Ini Study Group (2021) Dynamic Alteration in the Vaginal Secretory Proteome across the Early and Mid-Trimesters of Pregnancy. J Proteome Res. 20:1190. 
  21. Basak T, Dey AK, Banerjee R, Paul S, Maiti TK, Ain R (2021) Sequestration of eIF4A by angiomotin: A novel mechanism to restrict global protein synthesis in trophoblast cells. Stem Cells. 39:210.
  22. Hussain N, Chatterjee SK, Maiti TK, Goswami L, Das S, Deb U, Bhattacharya SS (2021) Metal induced non-metallothionein protein in earthworm: A new pathway for cadmium detoxification in chloragogenous tissue. J Hazard Mater. 401:123357.
  23. Kumari M, Hanpude P, Maiti TK (2020) α-Synuclein Exhibits Differential Membrane Perturbation, Nucleation, and TLR2 Binding through Its Secondary Structure. ACS Chem Neurosci. 11:4203
  24. Dey AK, Kumar B, Singh AK, Ranjan P, Thiruvengadam R, Desiraju BK, Kshetrapal P, Wadhwa N, Bhatnagar S, Rashid F, Malakar D, Salunke DM, Maiti TK, GARBH-Ini Study Group (2020) Salivary proteome signatures in the early and middle stages of human pregnancy with term birth outcome. Sci Rep.10:8022
  25. Kumari R, Kumar R, Kumar S, Singh AK, Hanpude P, Jangir D, Maiti TK. (2020) Amyloid aggregates of the deubiquitinase OTUB1 are neurotoxic, suggesting that they contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease. J Biol. Chem. 295:3466.
  26. Pant A, Bag S, Saha B, Verma J, Kumar P, Banerjee S, Kumar B, Kumar Y, Desigamani A, Maiti S, Maiti TK, Banerjee SK, Bhadra RK, Koley H, Dutta S, Nair GB, Ramamurthy T, Das B (2020) Molecular insights into the genome dynamics and interactions between core and acquired genomes of Vibrio cholerae. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 117:23762.
  27. Zaman NR, Kumar B, Nasrin Z, Islam MR, Maiti TK, Khan H (2020) Proteome Analyses Reveal Macrophomina phaseolina's Survival Tools When Challenged by Burkholderia contaminans NZ. ACS Omega. 5:1352. 
  28. Kumar R, Kumar S, Hanpude P, Singh AK, Johari T, Majumder, S, Maiti TK (2019) Partially oxidized DJ-1 inhibits primary and secondary nucleation through adhesive surface and remodels mature α-synuclein fibrils to toxic conformations. Communications Biology, 2: 395
  29. Puraswani M, Khandelwal P, Saini H, Saini S, Gurjar BS, Sinha A, Shende RP, Maiti TK, Singh AK, Kanga U, Ali U, Agarwal I, Anand K, Padmaraj Rajendran NP, Sinha R, Vasudevan A, Saxena A, Agarwal SK, Hari P, Sahu A, Rath S, Bagga A (2019) Clinical and immunological profile of anti-factor H antibody associated atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: A nationwide database, Frontiers in Immunology,10:1282.
  30. Verma J, Bag S, Saha B, Kumar P, Ghosh TS, Dayal M, Dey P, Anbumani D, Kumar D, Rana P, Kumar B, Maiti TK, Sharma NC, Bhadra RK, Mutreja A, Nair GB, Ramamurthy T, Das B (2019) Genomic Plasticity associated with the antimicrobial resistance in Vibrio cholerae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116: 6226
  31. Das S, Kumar P, Verma A., Maiti TK, Mathew SJ (2019) Myosin heavy chain mutations that cause Freeman-Sheldon syndrome led to muscle structural and functional defects in Drosophila Developmental Biology 449: 90.
  32. Johari T and Maiti TK (2018) Catalytic domain mutation in CYLD inactivates its enzyme function by structural perturbation and induces cell migration and proliferation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,1862: 2081.
  33. Kumar R, Kumari R, Kumar S, Jangir DK, Maiti TK (2018) Extracellular α-synuclein disrupts membrane nanostructure and promotes S-nitrosylation induced neuronal cell death. Biomacromolecules 19:1129
  34. Kumar S, Jangir DK, Kumar R, Kumari M, Bhavesh NS, Maiti TK (2018) Role of Sporadic Parkinson Disease Associated Mutations A18T and A29S in Enhanced α-Synuclein Fibrillation and Cytotoxicity. ACS Chem Neurosci 9:240
  35. Kumar P, Bag S, Ghosh TS, Dey P, Dayal M, Saha B, Verma J, Pant A, Saxena S, Desigamani A, Rana P, Kumar D, Sharma NC, Hanpude P, Maiti TK, Mukhopadhyay AK, Bhadra RK, Nair GB, Ramamurthy T, Das B (2018) Molecular Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance Traits of Multidrug Resistant Enteric Pathogens isolated from India. Sci Rep 7:14468
  36. Hanpude P, Bhattacharya S, Singh AK and Maiti TK (2017) Ubiquitin Recognition of BAP1: Understanding its Enzymatic Function. Bioscience Reports.  37: BSR20171099.
  37. Kumar R, Jangir DK, Verma G, Shekhar S, Hanpude P, Kumar S, Kumari R, Bhavesh NS, Jana NR and Maiti TK (2017) S-nitrosylation of UCHL1 induces its structural instability and promotes α-synuclein aggregation. Sci Rep. 7: 44558
  38. Mukherjee S, Mukherjee S, Maiti TK, Bhattacharya S, Sinha Babu SP (2017) A novel ligand of Toll- like receptor 4 from the sheath of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilaria induces proinflammatory response in macrophages. J Infect Dis.215:954
  39. Mukherjee S, Chattopadhyay M, Bhattacharya S, Dasgupta S, Hussain S, Bharadwaj SK, Talukdar D, Usmani A, Pradhan BS, Majumdar SS, Chattopadhyay P, Mukhopadhyay S, Maiti TK, Chaudhuri MK, Bhattacharya S (2017) A Small Insulin Mimetic Molecule Also Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diabetic Mice. PLOS one, 12: e0169809.
  40. Bhattacharya S, Hanpude P, Maiti TK (2015) Cancer-associated missense mutations in BAP1 catalytic domain induce amyloidogenic aggregation: A new insight in enzymatic inactivation, Sci Rep, 5: 18462
  41. Hanpude P, Bhattacharya S, Dey AK, Maiti TK (2015) Deubiquitinating enzymes in cellular signaling and disease regulation. IUBMB Life 67: 544.
  42. Maiti TK, Yamada K, Inoue K, Kandori H (2012) Effect of positively charged amino acid Lysine in the 105 position of Proteorhodopsin.  Biochemistry 51, 3198-3204.
  43. Boudreaux D, Chaney J, Maiti TK, Das C (2012) Contribution of active site glutamine to rate enhancement in ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases. FEBS J 279, 1106-1118.
  44. Maiti TK*, Permaul M*, Mahanic C, Mauney S, Das C (2011) Crystal Structure of Catalytic Domain of UCHL5, a Proteasome Associated Deubiquitinase, Reveals an Auto-Inhibited Conformation of the Enzyme. FEBS J 278, 4917-4926 (*Equal contribution)
  45. Boudreaux D*, Maiti TK*, Davies, CW Das C (2010) Ubiquitin vinyl methyl ester binding orients the misaligned active site of the ubiquitin hydrolase UCHL1 into productive conformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107, 9117-9122. (*Equal contribution)
  46. Maiti TK, Engelhard M, Sheves M (2009) Retinal-Protein interactions in Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis: Binding and Retinal thermal Isomerization catalysis.  J. Mol. Biol. 394, 472-484.
  47. Maiti TK, Ghosh KS, Samanta A, Dasgupta S (2008) The interaction of Silibinin with Human serum albumin: A spectroscopic investigation J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 194, 297-307.
  48. Ghosh KS, Maiti TK, Debnath J, Dasgupta S (2007) Inhibition of Ribonuclease A by polyphenols present in green tea. Proteins, 69, 566-580.
    Chatterjee J, Maiti TK, Dasgupta S (2006) Isolation and partial characterization of ribonuclease inhibitor from goat liver. Protein Pept. Lett. 13,779-783.
  49. Sardar PS, Maity SS, Ghosh S, Chatterjee J, Maiti TK, Dasgupta S (2006) Characterization of the tryptophan residues of human placental ribonuclease inhibitor and its complex with bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A by steady-state and time-resolved emission spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 21349-21356.
  50. Ghosh KS, Maiti TK, Mandal A. Dasgupta S (2006) Copper complexes of (-) epicatechin gallate and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate act as inhibitors of Ribonuclease A. FEBS. Lett. 580, 4703-4708.
  51. Leonidas DD, Maiti TK, Samanta A, Dasgupta S, Pathak T, Zographos SE, Oikonomakos NG(2006) The binding of 3'-N-piperidine-4-carboxyl-3'-deoxy-ara-uridine to ribonuclease A in the crystal. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 14, 6055-6064.
  52. Maiti TK, Ghosh KS, Dasgupta S (2006) Interaction of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate with human serum albumin: fluorescence, fourier transform infrared, circular dichroism, and docking studies. Proteins. 64, 355-362.
  53. Maiti TK, Ghosh KS, Debnath J, Dasgupta S. (2006) Binding of all-trans retinoic acid to human serum albumin: fluorescence, FT-IR and circular dichroism studies. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 38, 197-202.
  54. Maiti TK, De S, Dasgupta S, Pathak T.(2006) 3'-N-Alkylamino-3'-deoxy-ara-uridines: a new class of potential inhibitors of ribonuclease A and angiogenin. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 14, 1221-1228. 
  55. Ghosh KS, Maiti TK, Dasgupta S (2004) Green tea polyphenols as inhibitors of ribonuclease A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 325, 807-811.
  56. Maiti TK, Chatterjee J, Dasgupta S (2003) Effect of green tea polyphenols on angiogenesis induced by an angiogenin-like protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 308, 64-67.
  57. Maiti TK and Dasgupta S (2002) Isolation and characterization of an angiogenin-like protein from goat plasma. Protein Pept. Lett. 9, 283-288.
  1. Dr. Sushmita Bhattacharya (Young Investigator, 2012-2015), Scientist C, NICED, Kolkata
  2. Dr. Deepak Jangir (ICMR RA, 2013-2015), Lead Scientist, Levim Lifetech, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. Dr. Bharat Kumar (YI, 2016-2017)
  4. Dr. Pranita Hanpude (PhD. 2012-2018), Research Associate, RWJMS Rutgers University, USA
  5. Dr. Roshan Kumar (PhD, 2013-2018) Research Investigator, University of Michigan, USA
  6. Dr. Nazia Rifat Zaman (Visiting PhD student); Assistant Professor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
  7. Dr. Tanu Johari (PhD, 2014-2019), Project Manager ,Putnam, India
  8. Dr. Sanjay Kumar (PhD, 2014-2020), Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
  9. Dr. Amit K Dey (Project RA, 2015-2020), Biochemist Analytical, NIA, USA
  10. Dr. Raniki Kumari (PhD, 2015-2021), Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, USA
  11. Dr. Bhoj Kumar (Project RA, 2016-2021), Senior Research Associate, University of Georgia, USA
  12. Dr. Sangahati Bhattacharya (Project RA), University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, USA
  13. Dr. Sikha Singh (Project RA, 2020-2021)
  14. Dr. Archana Pant (SERB-NPDF, 2021-2021) DST-Inspire Faculty, NII, New Delhi
  15. Dr. Manisha Kumari (PhD, 2015-2022) (Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA)
  16. Dr. Sandhini Saha (PhD, 2016-2022), Postdoctoral Fellow, NIAID, USA
  17. Dr. Arundhati Tiwari (DBT-RA, 2023-2025)
  18. Mr. Abhishek Kumar Singh (Project SRF) (2014-2019)
  19. Ms. Neha Sharma (Project Assistant) (2014-2017)
  20. Mr. Rajarshi Chaudhuri, M.Sc. student (2019-2020). (Manager, EXL)
  21. Mr. Rohit Chel, M.Sc. student (2021-2022) (PhD student, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Dr. Tushar K Maiti

Regional Centre for Biotechnology
NCR Biotech Science Cluster
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
P.O. Box No. 3, Faridabad - 121 001
Haryana (NCR Delhi), India
E-mail: tkmaiti at rcb dot res dot in
Phone: 91 129-2848826

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Dr. Tushar K Maiti