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Dr. Deepti Jain
  • PhD in Immunology, National Institute of Immunology, Delhi (2000)
  • Postdoctoral Research at Rockefeller University, New York City, USA
  • Visiting Fellow at NCBS, Bangalore
  • Professor

Transcription Regulation: Structure and Mechanism

Resistance to antibiotics represents an escalating challenge in the treatment of bacterial infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa a gram-negative, opportunistic human pathogen has been recently listed as the "critical" category pathogen in the DBT-WHO priority list. A significant contribution to the persistence of P. aeruginosa is due to its ability to transition from flagellated to biofilm mode of life. These phenotypic transitions are regulated at the level of transcription, which is the pivotal regulatory checkpoint for gene expression in bacteria.


We employ an integrated approach, involving structural tools, biophysical techniques, biochemical methods and functional in vivo assays to investigate the molecular mechanisms of transcription regulation of flagellar and biofilm genes in P. aeruginosa. The mechanistic insights obtained are exploited for the discovery of novel therapeutic agents.

Specific projects

  1. Transcription regulation of flagellar gene network in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen that is the primary cause of nosocomial infections. It possesses a single polar flagellum which is crucial for motility, attachment to the host, pathogenesis, and biofilm formation.  We aim to understand the regulatory mechanisms governing bacterial flagellar assembly, which is pivotal in unraveling the details of bacterial motility and pathogenesis.


  2. Targeting transcription factors to mitigate biofilms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes acute and chronic, hard-to-treat infections. The persistence of P. aeruginosa is due to its ability to develop into biofilms, which are sessile bacterial communities attached to substratum and encapsulated in layers of self-produced exopolysaccharides. The biofilms provide enhanced protection from the host immune system and resilience towards antibiotics which poses a challenge for treatment. Thus, identifying novel targets and understanding the detailed mechanism of biofilm regulation becomes imperative. We use high-throughput in-silico tools for structure-based drug discovery to identify inhibitors of P. aeruginosa biofilms. The hits obtained are validated in-vitro and in-vivo.
  • Power fellowship, SERB (2023-2026)
  • Distinguished alumnus award. Gargi College, University of Delhi (2019)
  • SERB Early Career Award, DST (2016-2019)
  • Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award, DBT. (2012-2016)
  • Jane Coffin Child Memorial Fellowship for medical research, New Haven, CT, USA (2003-2006)
  • Charles Revson Foundation Post Doctoral Fellowship, USA (2002-2003)
  • University Medal IIT Roorkee (1995)
  • Dr. G. Pande medal IIT Roorkee (1994)

Selected Publications

  1. Sahoo, P.K., Sheenu and Jain D.* (2023) REC domain is essential for stabilization of the heptamer of σ54 dependent transcription factor, FleR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa iScience doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.108397
  2. Chanchal, Banerjee P, Raghav S, Goswami HN, Jain D*. (2021) The antiactivator FleN uses an allosteric mechanism to regulate σ54-dependent expression of flagellar genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1792
  3. Yadav, AK, Sahoo, PK, Goswami, HN and Jain D* (2019) Transcriptional fidelity of mitochondrial RNA polymerase RpoTm from Arabidopsis thaliana | Journal of Molecular Biology, doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2019.08.022
  4. Banerjee, P, Chanchal, Jain, D.* (2019) Sensor I regulated ATPase activity of FleQ is essential for motility to biofilm transition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ACS Chemical Biology | 14:1515-1527 
  5. Chanchal, Banerjee P. and Jain D* (2017) ATP-Induced Structural Remodeling in the Antiactivator FleN Enables Formation of the Functional Dimeric Form. Structure 25:252

All Publications

  1. Sheenu and Jain D. (2025) Transcription Regulation of Flagellins: A Structural    Perspective Biochemistry, doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.4c00791.
  2. Sharma KB, Subramani C, Ganesh K, Sharma A, Basu B, Balyan S, Sharma G, Shouri KA, Deb A, Srivastava M, Chugh S, Sehrawat S, Bharadwaj K, Rout A, Sahoo PK, Saurav S, Motiani R, Singh R, Jain D, Asthana S, Wadhwa R, Vrati S (2024) Withaferin A inhibits Chikungunya virus nsP2 protease and shows antiviral activity in the cell culture and mouse model of virus infection PLoS Pathogens 20 (12), e1012816.
  3. Zaidi S, Srivastava, N, Ghosh, M, Jain D, Khare SK, Prasad PN (2024) Role of Nocardia sp. bioactives in regulating the key molecular checkpoints in quorum-sensing pathways of P. aeruginosa: application towards improved fabrication of medical devices Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 39, 39
  4. Sahoo, P.K., Sheenu and Jain D.* (2023) REC domain is essential for stabilization of the heptamer of σ54 dependent transcription factor, FleR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa iScience doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.108397
  5. Ghosh, M., Raghav, S., Ghosh, P., Maity, S., Mohela, K., Jain, D.* (2023) Structural analysis of novel drug targets for mitigation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms FEMS Microbiology Reviews doi: 10.1093/femsre/fuad054.
  6. Ruhal, R.#, Ghosh, M.#, Kumar, V., and Jain D.* (2023) Mutation of putative glycosyl transferases PslC and PslI confers susceptibility to antibiotics and leads to a drastic reduction in biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Microbiology doi:10.1099/mic.0.001392
  7. Goel N, Ghosh M, Jain D, Sinha R, Khare SK (2023) Inhibition and Eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms by secondary metabolites of Nocardiposis lucentensis EMB25 RSC Medicinal Chemistry doi.org/10.1039/D2MD00439A
  8. Sahoo PK, Kumar R, Rani A, Yadav SK, Jha G*, Jain D.* (2022) N-Terminus Plays a Critical Role for Stabilizing the Filamentous Assembly and the Antifungal Activity of Bg_9562 Microbiology Spectrum doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01607-22.PMID: 36005835
  9. Chanchal, Banerjee P, Raghav S, Goswami HN, Jain D*. (2021) The antiactivator FleN uses an allosteric mechanism to regulate σ54-dependent expression of flagellar genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1792
  10. Adhikary A, Bansal T, Gupta P, Jain D, Anand P, Gupta R, Virdi JS, Marwah RG. (2021) Draft Genome Sequence of a Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid-Producing Isolate, Bacillus paralicheniformis Strain bcasdu2018/01. Microbiol Resour Announc, 46:e0101321
  11. Banerjee, P., Sahoo, P.K., Sheenu, Adhikary, A., Ruhal, R. and Jain, D.* (2021) Molecular and structural facets of c-di-GMP signalling associated with biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecular Aspects of Medicine doi.org/10.1016/j.mam.2021.101001
  12. Gupta, M, Dubey S, Jain D, and Chandran D (2021) The Medicago truncatula sugar transport protein 13 and Its Lr67res-like variant confer powdery mildew resistance in legumes via defense modulation. Plant and Cell Physiology doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcab021
  13. Yadav, AK, Sahoo, PK, Goswami, HN and Jain D* (2019) Transcriptional fidelity of mitochondrial RNA polymerase RpoTm from Arabidopsis thaliana | doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2019.08.022
  14. Narayanan N, Banerjee A, Jain D, Kulkarni D.S., Sharma R, Nirwal S, Rao D.N, Nair D.T (2019) Tetramerization at low pH licenses DNA methylation activity of M.HpyAXI in the presence of acid stress. Journal of Molecular Biology | Doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2019.10.001
  15. Sharma G, Aminedi R, Saxena D, Gupta A, Banerjee P, Jain D, Chandran D (2019) Effector mining from the Erysiphe pisi haustorial transcriptome identifies novel candidates involved in pea powdery mildew pathogenesis Mol. Plant Pathol. | doi.org/10.1111/mpp.12862
  16. Banerjee, P, Chanchal, Jain, D.* (2019) Sensor I regulated ATPase activity of FleQ is essential for motility to biofilm transition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ACS Chemical Biology | 14:1515-1527
  17. Jain D*, Salunke DM (2019) Antibody specificity and promiscuity. Biochem J |476: 433-447
  18. Naskar T, Faruq M, Banerjee P, Khan M, Midha R, Kumari R, Devasenapathi R, Prajapati B, Sengupta S,  Jain D, Mukerji M, Singh NC, Sinha S (2018) Ancestral Variations of the PCDHG Gene Cluster Predispose to Dyslexia in a Multiplex Family. EBioMedicine 28:179
  19. Chanchal, Banerjee P. and Jain D* (2017) ATP-Induced Structural Remodeling in the Antiactivator FleN Enables Formation of the Functional Dimeric Form. Structure 25:252
  20. Harshita, Chanchal and Jain D* (2016)  Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and initial crystallographic analysis of FleN from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Acta Cryst. F72, 135
  21. Jain D*, Naveen N, Nair DT (2015)   Plasticity in repressor-DNA interactions neutralizes loss of symmetry in bipartite operators Journal of Biological Chemistry 10.1074/jbc.M115.689695
  22. Jain D* (2015)  Allosteric control of transcription in GntR family of transcription regulators: A structural overview. IUBMB Life 67:556.
  23. Jain D, Nair DT. (2013) Spacing between core recognition motifs determines relative orientation of AraR monomers on bipartite operators. Nucleic Acid Research, 41:639.
  24. Twist, KA., Husnain, SI, Franke JD, Jain D, Campbell EA, Nickels, B.E Thomas, MS, Darst SA, Westblade LF (2011) A novel method for the production of in vivo-assembled, recombinant Escherichia coli RNA polymerase lacking the C- terminal domain Protein Science. 20:986.
  25. Jain D, Lamour V. (2010) Computational tools in protein crystallography. Methods in Molecular Biology 673:129.
  26. Namadurai S, Jain D, Kulkarni DS, Tabib CR, Friedhoff P, Rao DN, Nair DT. (2010) The C-terminal domain of the MutL homolog from Neisseria gonorrhoeae forms an inverted homodimer. PlosOne 5(10):e13726.
  27. Jain D, Kim, Y, Maxwell, K.L, Beasley S, Zhang R, Gussin GN, Edwards A, Darst SA. (2005) Crystal Structure of Bacteriophage lambda cII and its DNA complex. Molecular Cell 19:259.
  28. Jain D, Nickels BE, Sun L, Hochschild A, Darst SA. (2004) Structure of a Ternary Transcription Activation Complex. Molecular Cell 13:45.
  29. Nagpal S, Kaur KJ, Jain D, Salunke DM. (2002) Plasticity in structure and interactions is critical for the action of indolicidin, an antibacterial peptide of innate immune origin
  30. Chakraborty S, Chakraborty N, Jain D, Salunke DM, Datta A. (2002) Active site geometry of oxalate decarboxylase from Collybia velutipes: Role of histidine coordinated copper in substrate recognition Protein Science 11:2138.
  31. Jain D, Nair DT, Swaminathan GJ, Abraham EG, Nagaraju J, Salunke DM. (2001) Structure of the Induced Antibacterial Protein from Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta: Implications to molecular evolution. J Biol Chem 276:41377.
  32. Jain, D, Kaur KJ, Salunke DM. (2001). Plasticity in Protein-Peptide Recognition: Crystal Structures of Two Different Peptides Bound to Concanavalin A Biophys. J 80:2912.
  33. Jain D, Kaur KJ, Salunke DM. (2001) Enhanced Binding of a Rationally Designed Peptide Ligand of Concanavalin A Arises From Improved Geometrical Complementarity. Biochemistry 40:12059.
  34. Goel M, Jain D, Kaur KJ, Kenoth R, Maiya BG, Swamy MJ, Salunke DM. (2001) Functional equality in the absence of structural similarity: An added dimension to molecular mimicry. J Biol Chem 276:39277.
  35. Kaur K, Jain D, Goel M, Salunke DM. (2001) Immunological Implications of Structural Mimicry between a Dodecapeptide and a Carbohydrate moiety Vaccine. 19:3124.
  36. Jain D, Kaur K, Goel M, Salunke DM. (2000) Structural Basis of Functional Mimicry between Carbohydrate and Peptide Ligands of ConA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 272:843.
  37. Jain D, Kaur K, Sundaravadivel B, Salunke DM. (2000) Structural and Functional Consequences of Peptide-Carbohydrate Mimicry: Crystal Structure of a Carbohydrate-Mimicking Peptide Bound to Concanavalin. J Biol Chem 275:16098.
  1. Swagatam Maity (Int MS-PhD student) - Currently pursuing PhD at Max Planck Institute Marburg, Germany
  2. Anirban Adhikary (Int MS-PhD student) - Currently pursuing PhD at Jagiellonian University, Poland
  3. Pankaj Kumar Sahoo (Former PhD student) - Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, San Francisco
  4. Dr. Rohit Rhuhal (CSIR Pool Officer) - Currently Associate Professor at Vellore Institute of Technology
  5. Priyajit Banerjee (Former PhD student) - Currently Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology, Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkata
  6. Rhitu Kotoky (Project Scientist) - Currently Post Doctoral Fellow at Southern University of Denmark
  7. Harvijay Singh (Project Scientist) - Currently working at Rapid Biosense LLC, Michigan
  8. Chanchal (Former PhD Student) - Currently Post Doctoral Fellow at the Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna
  9. Shubham Dubey (Project-JRF) - Currently pursuing PhD at Purdue University
  10. Hemant Nath Goswami (Project-JRF) - Currently pursuing PhD at the Florida State University
  11. Mrittika Sengupta (DBT-RA) - Currently Associate Professor at The Mahindra University
  12. Amit Kumar Yadav (Young Investigator) - Currently Scientist C at the Department of Biotechnology
Dr. Deepti Jain

Regional Centre for Biotechnology
NCR Biotech Science Cluster
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
P.O. Box No. 3, Faridabad - 121 001
Haryana (NCR Delhi), India
E-mail: deepti at rcb dot res dot in
Phone: 91 129-2848839

no text deepti[at]rcb[dot]res[dot]in
no text +91 129-2848839

Dr. Deepti Jain