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Integrated MS-PhD Biotechnology

Since 2018, the Centre has provided a Master’s programme and an integrated Master’s and PhD programme in Biotechnology.

During the first year of the programme, students engage in comprehensive learning across life sciences and biotechnology through rigorous classroom instruction and hands-on laboratory work. In the second year, students undertake independent research under the guidance of an RCB faculty member in an area of shared scientific interest, culminating in the submission of a dissertation by the end of the fourth semester. Students may choose to exit the programme with a Master’s degree or continue towards a PhD.

Those enrolled in the programme receive the RCB Ramachandran-DBT fellowship, with a stipend of Rs. 16,000 per month during the first two years. Indian students progressing to the PhD stage are supported by fellowships from national funding agencies, while international students receive the RCB-DBT International Doctoral fellowship.

The minimum qualification for admission to the Integrated MS-PhD Programme is a Bachelor’s degree in Science, Engineering, Medicine, or an equivalent discipline. Admission is based on performance in a written test, interview, or both.

Programme Structure

The MS programme consists of the following two components

(i) course work
(ii) a Master’s thesis

An individual-specific Student Advisory Committee (SAC) constituted by the Executive Director shall provide regular mentoring, supervision and guidance to each student admitted to the MS programme in the Regional Centre.

The duration of the Master of Science programme is two years including the course work. Those students who continue with a PhD for them the minimum duration of Integrated MS-PhD is five to seven years.


Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
RCB 301Biochemistry3
RCB 302Cell & Developmental Biology3
RCB 303Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering3
RCB 304Microbiology3
RCB 317Virology2
RCB 305Biochemical & Analytical Techniques4
RCB 306Methods in Genetic Engineering4
RCB 307Methods in Microbiology & Cell Biology4
RCB 308Immunology & Immunotechnology3
RCB 309Genetics & Genomics3
RCB 310Plant Biotechnology2
RCB 311Structural Biology & Bioinformatics2
RCB 312Industrial Biotechnology2
RCB 313Methods in Immunology4
RCB 314Methods in Genetics & Genomics4
RCB 315Methods in Plant Biotechnology4
RCB 316Biostatistics & Data Science3
RCB 411Research Methodology4
RCB 412Advanced Chemical Biology2
RCB 413Science Communication & Ethics2
RCB 438Introduction to Drug Discovery and Development2
RCB 414Project Dissertation-


The Indian and foreign students admitted to the programme shall receive the RCB Ramachandran-DBT fellowship of Rs. 16000 per month for the first 2 years of the programme, after which an Indian student is required to qualify for the junior/senior research fellowships offered by CSIR, ICMR, DBT, or such other funding agencies.

The performance of the foreign students, after completion of their MSc component of the programme, shall be evaluated by the Student Advisory Committee, and based on its positive recommendation the student shall be awarded the RCB-DBT International Doctoral Fellowship equivalent to the fellowship offered to an Indian student by other funding agencies as per the relevant DST guidelines. Currently, the amount is Rs. 37,000/- per month for Junior Research Fellowship and Rs. 42,000/- per month for the Senior Research Fellowship.


The following fees are payable at the beginning of each semester.

Fee DescriptionSemester I-IIISemester IV onwards
Academic Administration FeeRs. 5000Rs. 5000
Tuition FeeRs. 6000-
Laboratory FeeRs. 6000Rs. 6000
Medical FeeRs. 3000Rs. 3000
Student Amenities FeeRs. 1000Rs. 1000
Hostel FeeRs. 1200Rs. 1200

Caution money (Rs. 5000; refundable) is payable at the time of admission.

PhD thesis examination fee (Rs. 10,000) is payable at the time of PhD thesis submission.

Hostel electricity charges are as per the installed meter, and the cooperative mess charges are to be paid as per actual. The fee may be revised during the course as per the provisions in the RCB Ordinance.

Hostel Facility 

On campus shared boarding and lodging facilities are available for admitted students on payment of prescribed fee.

Eligibility Criteria

Indian Students

Students with 60% aggregate marks (or an equivalent grade point average) in Bachelor's degree in any branch of Science, Engineering, or Medicine are eligible to apply for admission. Students from the SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), and PwD categories shall be given a relaxation of 5% aggregate marks. Students in the final year of their qualifying degree programme are also eligible to apply provided that they produce a proof of having secured the required marks in their undergraduate degree programme at the time of admission to the MS-PhD Programme. Eligible students are required to appear for the Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B). Shortlisted students based on their performance in the GAT-B, shall be invited for an interview and their subsequent selection to the MS-PhD Programme will be based on the performance in the interview. The interview is meant to assess the student for his/her aptitude and interest in a career in scientific research and development.

Number of seats

Up to 20 students, who meet the desired criteria for selection, may be admitted. There shall be reservation of seats as per statutory norms.

Foreign Students

Students with 60% aggregate marks (or an equivalent grade point average) in Bachelor's degree in any branch of Science, Engineering, or Medicine are eligible to apply for admission. Students in the final year of their qualifying degree programme are also eligible provided they produce a proof of having secured the required marks in their undergraduate degree programme at the time of admission to the MS-PhD Programme.

Eligible students are required to apply online for admission and fellowship to the programme. Shortlisted students shall be invited to appear for an online interview through video conferencing for their selection to the MS-PhD Programme. The interview is meant to assess the student for his/her aptitude and interest in scientific research and development.

Number of seats

Up to 5 students, who meet the desired criteria for selection, may be admitted. Admission of foreign students is subject to getting a student visa from the Government of India for the duration of the programme and valid medical insurance.

Application Procedure

Eligible candidates may apply online for admission to the MS-PhD Programme of the Regional Centre for Biotechnology. The application fee of Rs. 500 has to be paid online. The SC, ST, PwD, EWS, and foreign candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

Registration for Integrated MS-PhD Programme opens in the month of April for both the Indian and foreign students.

For details of GAT-B 2024, visit https://dbt.nta.ac.in/

For any queries write to rcbadmissions@rcb.res.in or call at +91-129-2848800.

Orientation Day & Commencement of ClassesAugust
Mid Term ExaminationsSeptember - October
Final Term ExaminationsDecember
Declaration of ResultSecond week of January
Orientation Day & Commencement of ClassesJanuary
Mid Term ExaminationsMarch - April
Final Term ExaminationsJune
Declaration of ResultThird week of July