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RCB library is a repository of diverse and valuable books, covering scientific, administrative, and hindi literature, all conveniently located in one place. It is indeed a treasure trove of knowledge across different subjects, making it an invaluable resource for learning and research.







RCB has a small but fully functional library at its present premises in Faridabad, NCR. RCB has procured several copies of standard international textbooks spanning various areas of biotechnology practiced by its researchers and taught in its coursework. At present, the RCB library houses 500 scientific textbooks and 100 administrative books in multiple copies.

In addition, an electronic library provides access to a vast range of primary literature in the form of peer-reviewed journals and reviews, through the DBT electronic library consortium (DeLCON) as well as through institutional subscriptions of other journals. The various publications available at the library can be accessed and issued by RCB scientific personnel through the Library Management software package. New books and journals continue to be acquired by the library to cater to the expanding research interests of the institute. The RCB library aims to provide access to its printed and electronic subscriptions to all bonafide RCB users.

Desktops computers in the library offer access to the internet, online journals and other databases. These desktops are intended for academic use only; any non-academic use including personal emailing, web-browsing, storage of data or installation of software is prohibited.

The librarian and a member of the RCB faculty manage the library. The normal working hours of the library are 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on all working days.

  • The book issue/return will be done on all working days from 11.00 am to 01.00 pm and 03.00 pm to 05.00 pm.
  • The RCB I.D. card can be used for accessing library and borrowing books.
  • Only 2 books shall be issued at a time to each student, subject to availability in the library.
  • The issued books shall be returned on or before 7th day of issue or may be renewed from the date of issue one time if there is no request from others user for the same book.
  • Four Books shall be issued at a time to each Faculty, subject to availability in the library.
  • The faculty members should return or renew the books in the first week of January and July, subject to necessity as per course work (only if they are teaching a course, otherwise the rules will be followed same as that for student).
  • The book returned after the due date, will be charged Rs. 20/- per day per book for first seven days thereafter Rs. 50/- per day per book as penalty. After one month penalty would be equal to cost of the issued books.
  • The books shall be returned in the same condition at the time of issue otherwise a penalty will be charged equal to the cost of the respective book.
  • Members will be expected to pay a fee equal to the copy of the bool‹ for lost or damaged books.
  • Magazine /Journal/Thesis/ Dissertation / Reference books will not be issued.
  • Books will not be issued directly to research personnel /trainee students and guest. They may be used through the respective supervisor/ PI.

  • List of subscribed journals - alphabetic order
  • List of subscribed journals – publisher wise
  • Institutional Repository
  • Off-campus access to E-resources

  • Search: Users can search for specific titles, authors, subjects, or keywords to locate relevant resources.
  • Browse: They can explore different categories or browse alphabetically to discover new materials.
  • Access Information: Users can view detailed information about items, such as availability, location within the library, and sometimes even access digital versions of materials.
  • Remote Access: RCB Library provide remote access to their OPACs, allowing users to search and access resources from anywhere with an internet connection.

OPACs have evolved to become integral tools for both librarians and library patrons, facilitating efficient resource discovery and access.