The ‘Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC)’ is the first national repository for life science data in India. IBDC is mandated to archive all life science data generated from publicly funded research in India. The data center is supported by the Government of India (GOI) through the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). It is being established at the Regional Centre of Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad in the national capital region in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre (NIC), India. In times to come, IBDC is envisaged to emerge as a major data repository for all life science data emerging from India.
Due to the heterogeneity of life science data, IBDC is being developed in a modular nature wherein different sections would typically deal with particular type/s of life science data. Each IBDC section would have dedicated data submission and access schema. Further, besides archiving life science data, IBDC shall also develop highly curated data sets in order to facilitate knowledge discovery in various domains of life sciences. It would also provide infrastructure and expertise for biological data analysis.
Fundamentally, IBDC is committed to the spirit of data sharing as per FAIR principles. While IBDC would act as the major repository for life science data emerging from India, it will constantly strive to serve the requirements of the global scientific community.