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Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Atomic Force Microscopy is one of the powerful tools in material science, nanotechnology Nano biotechnology and Biomedical Research. It allows understanding the molecular interaction in single molecule level. The major applications of AFM in biological science are protein folding, protein aggregation, protein-ligand interaction, protein-protein interaction, drug delivery, cell adhesion study, cell-virus interaction and so on so forth. In the conventional AFM system, a passive microcantilever is used as a force-sensing device, which measure interaction force between microcantilever tip and approaching surface. By employing an optical lever detection mechanism to monitor the defection, various biophysical parameters like bond force and molecular elasticity can be determined. We have JPK-Nano Wizard III AFM system with all accessories for biological sample application.

Point scanning confocal microscope

Our Leica TCS SP5 II system includes a point laser scanner, an inverted motorized microscope, and an array of high-resolution, colour-corrected lenses, to enable observation of fluorescently stained or tagged molecules in cells/ samples, in both fluorescence as well as confocal modes. Live cell/ small tissue imaging is enabled through a temperature, CO2 and humidity controlled perspex Ludin chamber custom-fitted around the microscope and a motorized universal sample stage. The accompanying LAS software suite on a dedicated offline computer is used for data analysis.

Nikon fluorescence microscope

The Nikon inverted fluorescence microscope can be exploited for both fixed cell imaging in the fluorescence mode, as well as fixed stage-position live cell imaging. Illumination is through a halogen lamp and detection through a CCD camera, controlled by the NIS Elements software suite.

Imaris software suite

The Imaris software suite, an advanced, dedicated software package for detailed analysis, data crunching and visual rendering of most kinds of optical imaging data, is available for all microscopy users.

Chemiluminescence imager

The GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 is a multipurpose digital imager that can be used for chemiluminescence imaging applications, complementing the dark room facility. The instrument offers a high dynamic range to capture and quantify a large range of low to high signals as compared to X-ray film. The system is upgradable to capture IR signals as well. The accompanying software package can perform, among other functions, densitometric quantification of individual bands.

LiCOR 2- color Infrared imager

The LiCOR Odyssey CLx 2-color infrared imaging system facilitates simultaneous, 2-channel detection for techniques such as Western blots, Northern and Southern blots, tissue sections, EMS/gel shift and in vivo imaging of small animals.