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Publications 2022

  1. Tanwar J, Arora S, Motiani RK. (2020) Orai3: Oncochannel with therapeutic potential. Cell Calcium, 90:102247
  2. Thalla M, Kant K, Dalchand, Rawat R, Banerjee S. (2020) Merged experimental guided computational strategy toward tuberculosis treatment mediated by alveolar macrophages mannose receptor. J Biomol Struct Dyn, 17:5203
  3. Kumari M, Hanpude P, Maiti TK. (2020) α-Synuclein Exhibits Differential Membrane Perturbation, Nucleation, and TLR2 Binding through Its Secondary Structure. ACS Chem Neurosci, 24:4214
  4. Garg T, Singh Z, Dwivedi AK, Varapparambathu V, Singh RS, Yadav M, Chandran D, Prasad K, Jain M, Yadav SR (2020). Genome-wide high resolution expression map and functions of key cell fate determinants reveal the dynamics of crown root development in rice. bioRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.11.131565
  5. Agarwal M, Sharma A, Kumar P, Kumar A, Bharadwaj A, Saini M, Kardon G, Mathew S.J. (2020). Myosin heavy chain-embryonic regulates skeletal muscle differentiation during mammalian development. Development. Doi: 10.1242/dev.184507
  6. Agarwal, M., A. Sharma, P. Kumar, A. Kumar, and S.J. Mathew. 2020. The people behind the papers. Development 147(7). pii: dev190025. doi: 10.1242/dev.190025.
  7. Sani J, Bhaswati A, Pandey A.D, Ramachandran V.G., Das S, Sood V, Banerjee A, Vrati S. (2020) High-Throughput RNA Sequencing Analysis of Plasma Samples Reveals Circulating microRNA Signatures with Biomarker Potential in Dengue Disease Progression. Msystems, doi.org/10.1128/msystems.00724-20
  8. S. Kumar & A. Bajaj (2020). Advances in Self-assembled Injectable Hydrogels for Cancer Therapy. Biomaterials Sci., 8:2055
  9. Kain P 2020. The Bitter Truth: Lessons from Pandemic Covid-19. Acta Scientific Neurology, 3:9
  10. Gupta M, Sharma G, Saxena D, Budhwar R, Vasudevan M, Gupta V, Gupta A, Gupta R, Chandran D. (2021) Dual RNA-Seq analysis of Medicago truncatula and the pea powdery mildew Erysiphe pisi uncovers distinct host transcriptional signatures during incompatible and compatible interactions and pathogen effector candidates. Genomics, 112:2130
  11. Kumar Megta A, Pratap S, Kant A, Palva A, von Ossowski I, Krishnan V. (2020) Crystal structure of the atypically adhesive SpaB basal pilus subunit: Mechanistic insights about its incorporation in lactobacillar SpaCBA pili. Curr Res Struct Biol. 2:229
  12. Kain P (2020) Realigning Minds and Mental Health Resilience during Covid-19. ACTA SCIENTIFIC NEUROLOGY, 3:12
  13. S Panwar, S Arora, S Sharma, P Tripathi (2020) The Gut Microbiome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Obesity and Diabetes, 283:295
  14. Kumari M, Hanpude P, and Maiti T.K (2020) α-Synuclein Exhibits Differential Membrane Perturbation, Nucleation, and TLR2 Binding through Its Secondary Structure. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00480
  15. Singhal N, Sharma A, Aswal M, Singh N, Kumar M, Goel M. (2020) Identification of binding partners of CsaA - an archaeal chaperonic pro-tein of Picrophilus torridus. Protein Pept Lett, doi: 10.2174/0929866527999201126205131
  16. Ingole KD, Dahale SK, Bhattacharjee S. (2020) Proteomic analysis of SUMO1-SUMOylome changes during defense elicitation in Arabidopsis. J Proteomics, doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2020.104054
  17. Basak T, Dey AK, Banerjee R, Paul S, Maiti TK, Ain R. (2020) Sequestration of eIF4A by Angiomotin: a novel mechanism to restrict global protein synthesis in trophoblast cells. Stem Cells, doi: 10.1002/stem.3305
  18. Vemanna RS, Oh S, Lee HK, Nandety RS, Oh Y, Lee S, Nakashima J, Tang Y, Senthil-Kumar M, Mysore KS. (2020) A novel role of salt and drought induced RING 1 protein in modulating plant defense against hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, doi: 10.1094/MPMI-09-20-0257-R
  19. Dagar S, Pushpa K, Pathak D, Samaddar S, Saxena A, Banerjee S, Mylavarapu SVS. (2020) Nucleolin regulates 14-3-3ζ mRNA and promotes cofilin phosphorylation to induce tunneling nanotube formation. FASEB J, doi: 10.1096/fj.202001152R
  20. Banerjee A, Tripathi A, Duggal S, Banerjee A, Vrati S (2020) Dengue virus infection impedes megakaryopoiesis in MEG-01 cells where the virus envelope protein interacts with the transcription factor TAL-1. Sci Rep, 10:1
  21. Burman N*, Chandran D, Khurana JP (2020) A rapid and highly efficient method for transient gene expression in rice plants. Front Plant Sci, 11:1564
  22. M Saini, AN Jha, R Tangri, MD Qudratullah, S Ali (2020) MN1 overexpression with varying tumor grade is a promising predictor of survival of glioma patients. Human molecular genetics, DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddaa231
  23. Sarkar R, Sharma KB, Kumari A, Asthana S, Kalia M (2020) Japanese encephalitis virus capsid protein interacts with non-lipidated MAP1LC3 on replication membranes and lipid droplets. J Gen Virol, doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001508
  24. Sharma N, Arora S, Saurav S, Motiani RK# (2020) Pathophysiological Significance of Calcium Signaling at Mitochondria-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes (MAMs). Current Opinion in Physiology, 17:234
  25. Khasa R, Sharma P, Vaidya A, Vrati S, Kalia M (2020) Proteins involved in actin filament organization are key host factors for Japanese encephalitis virus life-cycle in human neuronal cells. Microbial Pathogenesis, 149:104565
  26. Thakur A, Gaikwad S, Vijjamarri AK, Hinnebusch AG (2020) eIF2α interactions with mRNA control accurate start codon selection by the translation preinitiation complex. Nucleic Acids Res, 48:10280
  27. Vemanna RS, Akashata D, Lee S, Oh S, Lee HK, Sun L, Senthil-Kumar M, and Mysore KS (2020) Ribosomal protein QM/RPL10 positively regulates defense and protein translation mechanisms during nonhost disease resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1111/mpp.12991
  28. Gupta R, Thakur J, Pal S, Mishra D.K, Rani P, Kumar S, Saini A, Singh A, Yadav K, Srivastava A, Prasad R, Gupta S and Bajaj A (2020) Cholic-Acid-Derived Amphiphiles Can Prevent and Degrade Fungal Biofilms. ACS Applied Biomaterials, Doi/10.1021/acsabm.9b01221
  29. Medatwal N, Ansari M.N, Kumar S, Pal S, Jha S.K, Verma P, Rana K, Dasgupta U and Baja A (2020) Hydrogel-mediated delivery of celastrol and doxorubicin induces a synergistic effect on tumor regression via upregulation of ceramides. Nanoscale, 12:18463
  30. Pant A, Bag S, Saha B, Verma J, Kumar P, Banerjee S, Kumar B, Kumar Y, Desigamani A, Maiti S, Maiti TK, Banerjee SK, Bhadra RK, Koley H, Dutta S, Nair GB, Ramamurthy T, Das B. (2020) Molecular insights into the genome dynamics and interactions between core and acquired genomes of Vibrio cholerae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2006283117
  31. Levine M.M, Abdullah S, Arabi Y.M, Darko D.M, Durbin A.P, Estrada V, Jamrozik E, Kremsner P.G, Lagos R, Pitisuttithum P, Plotkin S.A, Sauerwein R, Shi S.L, Sommerfelt H, Subbarao K, Treanor J.J, Vrati S, King D, Balasingam S, Weller C, Aguilar A.O, Cassetti M.C, Krause P.R, Restrepo A.M.H, MD25 (2020) Viewpoint of a WHO Advisory Group Tasked to Consider Establishing a Closely-Monitored Challenge Model of COVID-19 in Healthy Volunteers. Clinical Infectious Diseases
  32. Narayanan N and Nair DT (2020) Vitamin B12 May Inhibit RNA-Dependent-RNA Polymerase Activity of nsp12 from the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. IUBMB Life, Doi: 10.1002/iub.2359
  33. Sharma G, Dang S, K A, Kalia M, Gabrani R. (2020) Synergistic antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of nisin like bacteriocin with curcumin and cinnamaldehyde against ESBL and MBL producing clinical strains. Biofouling, 36(6), 710:724
  34. Kaundal A, Vemanna RS, Mysore KS (2020) The ATPase Activity of Escherichia coli Expressed AAA+-ATPase Protein. BIO-PROTOCOL. 10:15
  35. Koripella R.K, Sharma M.R, Bhargava K, Datta P.P, Kaushal P.S, Keshavan P, Spremulli L.L, Banavali N.K & Agrawal R.K. (2020) Structures of the human mitochondrial ribosome bound to EF-G1 reveal distinct features of mitochondrial translation elongation. Nature Communications, 11:3830
  36. Kumar S and Kain P* (2020) Defeating the Devil in the Waste: Remediation of Infectious Covid-19 Waste. Acta Scientific Neurology, 3:8
  37. Thakur S, Saha S, Guchhait P, Eswaran S*. (2020) Fullarazirman, nano water-soluble Fullerene C60-Mn (II) Triadduct complex with anti-cancer activity comparable to Doxorubicin. J Biomedical Nanotechnology. In Press.
  38. Sardoiwala N M, Kushwaha A, Dev A, Nishith S, Guchhait P, Karmakar S, Roy Choudhury S*. (2020) Hypericin loaded transferrin nanoparticles induce PP2A regulated BMI1 degradation in colorectal cancer specific chemo-Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 5, 3139-3153.
  39. Kant A, Palva A, von Ossowski I, Krishnan V. (2020) Crystal structure of lactobacillar SpaC reveals an atypical five-domain pilus tip adhesin: Exposing its substrate-binding and assembly in SpaCBA pili. J Struct Biol, doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2020.107571
  40. Tanwar J, Arora S, Motiani RK. (2020) Orai3: Oncochannel with therapeutic potential. Cell Calcium, 90:102247
  41. Mehra R, Bhushan S, Pandey A, Soni M.K, Narnoliya L.K (2020) Metabolic Engineering Opening New Avenues for Therapeutics Engineering of Microbial Biosynthetic Pathways, 215:230
  42. Ahmed F, Senthil-Kumar M, Dai X, Vemanna RS, Lee S, Mysore KS, Zhao PX. (2020) pssRNAit-a web server for designing effective and specific plant siRNAs with genome-wide off-target assessment. Plant Physiology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.20.00293
  43. Sharma M, Narayanan N, Nair D.T. (2020) The proofreading activity of Pfprex from Plasmodium falciparum can prevent mutagenesis of the apicoplast genome by oxidized nucleotides. Scientific Reports, 10:11157
  44. Hussaina N, Chatterjeeb S.K, Maiti T.K, Goswamie L, Das S, Deb U, Bhattacharyaa S.S. (2020) Metal induced non-metallothionein protein in earthworm: A new pathway for cadmium detoxification in chloragogenous tissue Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401:123357
  45. Raja D A, Subramaniam Y, Aggarwal A, Gotherwal V, Babu A, Tanwar J, Motiani R K, Sivasubbu S, Gokhale R S, Natarajan V T (2020) Histone variant dictates fate biasing of neural crest cells to melanocyte lineage. Development 2020 Mar 12;147(5):dev182576. doi: 10.1242/dev.182576.
  46. Medatwal N, Dasgupta U. (2020) Quantitation of Sphingolipids in Mammalian Cell Lines by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Analysis of Membrane Lipids, 103:117
  47. Preethi V, Vemanna RS, Xinyou Y, Paul CS, Udayakumar M, and Sheshshayee S. (2020) Acquired Traits Contribute More to Drought Tolerance in Wheat Than in Rice. Plant Phenomics, DOI: 10.34133/2020/5905371
  48. Singhal N, Sharma A, Kumari S, Garg A, Rai R, Singh N, Kumar M, Goel M. (2020) Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization of Nascent Polypeptide-Associated Complex of Picrophilus torridus and Elucidation of Its Interacting Partners. Front Microbiol, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00915
  49. Sharma A, Dagar S, Mylavarapu SVS (2020) Transgelin-2 and Phosphoregulation of the LIC2 Subunit of Dynein Govern Mitotic Spindle Orientation. J Cell Sci, doi: 10.1242/jcs.239673
  50. Vemanna R.S*, Preethi V, Nisarga KN, Srivatsava K R , Sheshshayee MS, KS Mysore and Kumar U (2020) Carbonyl cytotoxicity affects plant cellular processes and detoxifying enzymes scavenge these compounds to improve stress tolerance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02005
  51. Dey A.K, Kumar B, Singh A.K, Ranjan P, Thiruvengadam R, Desiraju B.K, Kshetrapal P, Wadhwa N, Bhatnagar S, Rashid F, Malakar D, Salunke D.M, Maiti T.K & GARBH-Ini Study Group (2020) Salivary proteome signatures in the early and middle stages of human pregnancy with term birth outcome. Scientific Reports, 10:8022
  52. Hussain T, Akthar N, Aminedi R, Mohd. D, Nishat Y and Seema Patel (2020) Role of the Potent Microbial Based Bioagents and Their Emerging Strategies for the Ecofriendly Management of Agricultural Phytopathogens. Natural Bioactive Products in Sustainable Agriculture, 45-66.
  53. Aminedi R, Ram H, Kumar G, Koramutla M.K., Vasupali N, Deshmukh N, Negi M and Bhattacharya (2020) Mechanisms of Plant Resistance to Metalloid Ions and Potential Biotechnological Applications. Metalloids in Plants
  54. Vasupali N, Koramutla M.K., Aminedi R, Kumar V, Borah P, Negi M, Ali A, Sonah H and Deshmukh R (2020) Omics Approaches and Biotechnological Perspectives of Arsenic Stress and Detoxification in Plants. Metalloids in Plants
  55. Thapliyal G, Vemanna R.S, Pawar P.M, Barthwal S, Meena K.R, Pandey S, Bhandari M.S. (2020) First record of off-season flowering in Populus deltoides from India: paradigm of climate change indicator. International Journal of Biometeorology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-020-01915-y
  56. Karthika V, Babitha K.C, Kiranmai K, Shankar A.G, Vemanna R.S and Udayakumar M (2020) Involvement of DNA mismatch repair systems to create genetic diversity in plants for speed breeding programs. Plant Physiol. Rep. doi.org/10.1007/s40502-020-00521-9
  57. Kain P (2020) Loss of Smell and Taste: Potential of Using Them as Markers for Early Detection of Covid-19. Adv Neur Neur Sci, 3:2
  58. Ananthanarayanan V, Mylavarapu S.V.S. (2020) Meeting report - the Microtubules, Motors, Transport and Trafficking (M2T2) 2019 meeting. Journal of Cell Science, 2020
  59. Thakur S.K., Goswami K, Rao P, Kaushik S, Singh B.P, Kain P, Asthana S, Bhattacharjee S, Guchhait P & Eswaran S.V. (2020) Fluoresceinated Aminohexanol Tethered Inositol Hexakisphosphate: Studies on Arabidopsis thaliana and Drosophila melanogaster and Docking with 2P1M Receptor. ACS Omega. 5:9585
  60. Mehta O, Ghosh T.S, Kothidar A, Gowtham M.R, Mitra R, Kshetrapal P, Wadhwa N, Thiruvengadam R, GARBH-Ini study group, Nair G.B, Bhatnagar S, Das B (2020) Vaginal Microbiome of Pregnant Indian Women: Insights into the Genome of Dominant Lactobacillus Species. Microbial Ecology
  61. Bawa S, Brooks DS, Neville KE, Tipping M, Sagar MA. (2020) Drosophila TRIM32 cooperates with glycolytic enzymes to promote cell growth. eLife. 9:e52358
  62. Ragini Gupta, Jyoti Thakur, Sanjay Pal, Deepak kumar Mishra, Parul Rani, Sandeep Kumar, Amandeep Saini, Archana Singh, Kavita Yadav, Aasheesh Srivastava, Rajendra Prasad, Siddhi Gupta*, Avinash Bajaj* (2020) Cholic-Acid-Derived Amphiphiles Can Prevent and Degrade Fungal Biofilms ACS Appl. Bio Mater.
  63. Gupta SK, Angara RK, Yousuf S, Reddy CG, Ranjan A. (2020) Ectopic Expression of Rv0023 Mediates Isoniazid/Ethionamide Tolerance via Altering NADH/NAD+ Levels in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Front Microbiol. 11:3
  64. Awasthi A, Nain V, Srikanth CV, Puria R. (2020) A regulatory circuit between lncRNA and TOR directs amino acid uptake in yeast. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 1867-118680
  65. Sharma SC, Kumar A, Vashisht S, Salunke DM. (2020) High resolution structural and functional analysis of a hemopexin motif protein from Dolichos. Sci Rep. 10-3741
  66. Raja D.A, Subramaniam Y, Aggarwal A, Gotherwal V, Babu A, Tanwar J, Motiani R.K, Sivasubbu S, Gokhale R.S, Natarajan V.T. (2020) Histone variant dictates fate biasing of neural crest cells to melanocyte lineage. Development. Doi: 10.1242/dev.182576
  67. Agarwal M, Sharma A, Kumar P, Kumar A, Bharadwaj A, Saini M, Kardon G, Mathew S.J. (2020) Myosin heavy chain-embryonic regulates skeletal muscle differentiation during mammalian development. Development. Doi: 10.1242/dev.184507
  68. Wu YC, Chawla G, Sokol N. (2020) let-7-Complex MicroRNAs Regulate Broad-Z3, Which Together with Chinmo Maintains Adult Lineage Neurons in an Immature State. G3: GENES, GENOMES, GENETICS. 10-2
  69. Kumar S. & Bajaj A. (2020) Advances in Self-assembled Injectable Hydrogels for Cancer Therapy. Biomater. Sci. doi.org/10.1039/D0BM00146E
  70. Awasthi A, Gupta S, Thakur J, Pal S, Bajaj A and Srivastava A. (2020) Polydopamine-on-Liposomes: Stable nanoformulations, Uniform Coatings and Superior Antifouling Performance. Nanoscale. doi.org/10.1039/C9NR07770G
  71. Kumar H. (2020) Biotechnology: Discoveries and Their Applications in Societal Welfare. Biotechnology Business-Concept to Delivery. 3-44
  72. Gupta M, Chauhan PS, Sopory SK, Singla-Pareek SL, Adlakha N, Pareek A, Kaur C. (2019) Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus marisflavi CK-NBRI-03, Isolated from Agricultural Soil. Microbiol Resour Announc. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00044-20
  73. Kant K, Rawat R, Bhati V, Bhosale S, Sharma D, Banerjee S, Kumar A. (2020) Computational Identification of Natural Product Leads that Inhibit Mast Cell Chymase: An Exclusive Plausible Treatment for Japanese Encephalitis. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 1-18
  74. Kumari R, Kumar R, Kumar S, Singh AK, Hanpude P, Jangir D, Maiti TK. (2020) Amyloid aggregates of the deubiquitinase OTUB1 are neurotoxic, suggesting that they contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease. J Biol Chem. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.009546 [Epub ahead of print]
  75. Jain A, Kumar A, Shikhi M, Kumar A, Nair D.T and Salunke D.M. (2020) The structure of MP-4 from Mucuna pruriens at 2.22 resolution. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 76-47
  76. Kumar A.N, Subbarao S, Vennapusa A.R, Ashwin V, Banarjee R, Kulkarni M.J, Ramu V.S, Kumar M.U (2020) Enzymatic and Non?enzymatic Detoxifcation of Reactive Carbonyl Compounds Improves the Oxidative Stress Tolerance in Cucumber, Tobacco and Rice Seedlings. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation . doi.org/10.1007/s00344-020-10072-w
  77. Zaman N.R, Kumar B, Nasrin Z, Islam M.R, Maiti T.K, Khan H (2020) Proteome Analyses Reveal Macrophomina phaseolina’s Survival Tools When Challenged by Burkholderia contaminans NZ. ACS Omega. 5-1352
  78. Bansal KK, Mishra DK, Rosling A, Rosenholm JM (2020) Therapeutic Potential of Polymer-Coated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Applied Sciences. 10:289
  79. Yadav R.K. and Krishnan V. (2020) The adhesive PitA pilus protein from the early dental plaque colonizer Streptococcus oralis: expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis. Acta Cryst. F76:8
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