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Publications 2013

  1. Vedagopuram S, Bajaj A. (2013) Number of Free Hydroxyl Groups on Bile Acid Phospholipids Determines the Fluidity and Hydration of Model Membranes. J Phys Chem B 117:12135.
  2. Dwevedi A, Kayastha AM (2013) Soybean Proteomics: Applications and Challenges Open Access 19:395
  3. Sharma S, Kundu S, Reddy AM, Bajaj A, Srivastava A. (2013) Design and Engineering of Disulfide Crosslinked Nanocomplexes of Polyamide Polyelectrolytes: Stability under Biorelevant Conditions and Potent Cellular Internalization of Entrapped Model Peptide. Macromol Biosci 13:927.
  4. Vedagapuram S, Bansal S, Motiani R, Kundu S, Muppu SK, Datta T, Panjamurthy K, Sengupta S, Bajaj A. (2013) Design, Synthesis, and Mechanistic Investigations of Bile Acid-Tamoxifen Conjugates for Breast Cancer Therapy. Bioconjugate Chem 24:1468.
  5. Singh M, Singh A, Kundu S, Bansal S, Bajaj A. (2013) Deciphering the role of charge, hydration, and hydrophobicity for cytotoxic activities and membrane interactions of bile acid based facial amphiphiles. Biophys Biochim Acta Biomembr 1828:1926.
  6. Vedagopuram S, Bajaj A. (2013) Fluorescece (Fluidity/Hydration) and Calorimetric Studies of Interactions of Bile Acid Tamoxifen Conjugates with Model Membranes. J Phys Chem B117:2123.
  7. Deepak S, Ingemar von O, Airi P, Vengadesan K, (2013) Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of the SpaA Backbone-pilin Subunit from Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Acta Crystallogr F69:1182.
  8. Vengadesan K, Macon K, Sugumoto S, Mizunoe Y, Iwase T, Narayana SVL. (2013) Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of the Staphylococcus epidermidis Extracellular Serine Protease Esp. Acta Crystallogr F 69:49.
  9. Krishnan V, Dwivedi P, Kim BJ, Samal A, Macon K, Ma X, Mishra A, Doran KS, Ton-That H, Narayana SV. (2013) Crystal Structure of Streptococcus agalactiae tip pilin GBS104; A Model GBS Pili Assembly and Host Interactions. Acta Crystallogr D 69:1073.
  10. Chen C, Krishnan V, Macon K, Manne K, Narayana SV, Schneewind O. (2013) Secreted Proteases Control Autolysin-mediated Biofilm Growth of Staphylococcus aureus. J Biol Chem 288:29440.
  11. Sharma R, Lomash S, Salunke DM. (2013) Putative bioactive motif of tritrpticin revealed by an antibody with biological receptor-like properties. PLoS One 8:e75582
  12. Bhattacharjee S, Garner CM, Gassmann W. (2013) New clues in the nucleus: Transcriptional reprogramming in effector-triggered immunity. Front Plant Sci 4:364.
  13. Tapryal S, Gaur V, Kaur KJ, Salunke DM. (2013) Structural evaluation of a mimicry recognizing paratope: plasticity in antigen–antibody interactions manifests in molecular mimicry. J Immunol 191:456.
  14. Tiwari RL, Annarapu GK, Guchhait P. (2013) Pathophysiological consequences of hemolysis in sickle cell disease in "Sickle Cell Disease" (Ed. D Acuna-Costroviejo and I Rusanova) Nova Science Publishers, pp. 69.
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