Publications 2019

  1. Pratap S, Megta A.K, Krishnan V. (2019) Sortases from a Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG: Cloning, Expression, Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Study. Crystallography Reports. 64-1117
  2. Bhasym A, Bhakuni T, Guchhait P. (2019) Elevated surface-bound complement FH alters the function of platelets and monocytes in FHR1/3 null healthy individuals. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 79:102349
  3. Joshi H, Malik A, Aggarwal S, Munde M, Maitra SS, Adlakha N, Bhatnagar R. (2019) In-vitro Detection of Phytopathogenic Fungal Cell Wall by Polyclonal Sera Raised Against Trimethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles. nt J Nanomedicine. 14-10023
  4. Kumar Tripathi S, Salunke DM (2019) Exploring the Different States of Wild-type T-cell receptor and Mutant Conformational Changes towards Understanding the Antigen Recognition. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 24:1
  5. Sharma S.C, Kumar A, Vashisht S & Salunke D.M. (2019) High resolution structural and functional analysis of a hemopexin motif protein from Dolichos Scientific Reports. 19828
  6. Li H, Rai M, Buddika K, Sterrett MC, Luhur A, Mahmoudzadeh NH, Julick CR, Pletcher RC, Chawla G, Gosney CJ, Burton AK, Karty JA, Montooth KL, Sokol NS, Tennessen JM. (2019) Lactate dehydrogenase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase cooperatively regulate growth and carbohydrate metabolism during Drosophila melanogaster larval development. Development 146:17
  7. Pandey M, Bansal S, Chawla G. (2019) Molecular Approaches for Analysis of Drosophila MicroRNAs Springer Protocols Handbooks 169:188
  8. Chawla G. (2019) Healthy Aging Research in India Medwin Publishers 2:1
  9. Thakur S.K. , Goswami K, Bhattacharjee S, Soni U, Guchhait P, Eswaran SV. (2019) A Water Soluble Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Aryl Aziridino Carboxylic Acid Decorated Mn (II) Complex Increased Root Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chemistry Select.
  10. Gupta M, Sharma G, Saxena D, Budhwar R, Vasudevan M, Gupta V, Gupta A, Gupta R, Chandran D. (2019) Dual RNA-Seq analysis of Medicago truncatula and the pea powdery mildew Erysiphe pisi uncovers distinct host transcriptional signatures during incompatible and compatible interactions and pathogen effector candidates. Genomics | 30612-3
  11. Suhail A, Rizvi ZA, Mujagond P, Ali SA, Gaur P, Singh M, Ahuja V, Awasthi A, Srikanth CV. (2019) DeSUMOylase SENP7-Mediated Epithelial Signaling Triggers Intestinal Inflammation via Expansion of Gamma-Delta T Cells. Cell Rep. 3522-3538
  12. Madni ZK, Tripathi SK, Salunke DM. (2019) Structural insights into the lipid transfer mechanism of a non-specific lipid transfer protein. Plant J. 102:340
  13. Kumar Megta A, Palva A, von Ossowski I, Krishnan V. (2019) SpaB, an atypically adhesive basal pilin from the lactobacillar SpaCBA pilus: crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. F75:731
  14. Banerjee A, Tripathi A. (2019) Recent advances in understanding Japanese encephalitis. F1000Res. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.19693.1
  15. Thalla M, Kant K, Sharma D, Rawat R, Banerjee S. (2019) Merged experimental guided computational strategy toward tuberculosis treatment mediated by alveolar macrophages mannose receptor. J Biomol Struct Dyn. DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1697369
  16. Shikhi M, Jain A, Salunke DM. (2019) Comparative study of 7S globulin from Corylus avellana and Solanum lycopersicum revealed importance of salicylic acid and Cu-binding loop in modulating their function. Biochem Biophys Res Commun | doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.11.072. [Epub ahead of print]
  17. Sharma KB, Sharma M, Aggarwal S, Yadav AK, Bhatnagar S, Vrati S, Kalia M. (2019) Quantitative Proteome Analysis of Atg5-Deficient Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Reveals the Range of the Autophagy-Modulated Basal Cellular Proteome. mSystems. | 4(6). pii: e00481-19.
  18. Kumar R, Kumar S, Hanpude P, Singh AK, Johari T, Majumder S & Maiti TK (2019) Partially oxidized DJ-1 inhibits α-synuclein nucleation and remodels mature α-synuclein fibrils in vitro. Communications Biology | 2:395
  19. Banerji A, Suri F (2019) Impact of R and D Intensity, Patents and Regulatory Filings on Export Intensity of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | 53(4):638-648
  20. Narayanan N, Banerjee A, Jain D, Kulkarni D.S., Sharma R, Nirwal S, Rao D.N, Nair D.T (2019) Tetramerization at low pH licenses DNA methylation activity of M.HpyAXI in the presence of acid stress. Journal of Molecular Biology |
  21. Yadav AK, Sahoo PK, Goswami HN, Jain D (2019) Transcriptional fidelity of mitochondrial RNA polymerase RpoTm from Arabidopsis thaliana. J Mol Biol | Doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.08.022
  22. Gabriela Krejčová, Adéla Danielová, Pavla Nedbalová, Michalina Kazek, Lukáš Strych, Geetanjali Chawla, Jason M. Tennessen, Jaroslava Lieskovská, Marek Jindra, Tomáš Doležal, and Adam Bajgar (2019) Drosophila macrophages switch to aerobic glycolysis to mount effective antibacterial defense. eLife 2019;8:e50414 | DOI: 10.7554/eLife.50414
  23. Sharma G, Aminedi R, Saxena D, Gupta A, Banerjee P, Jain D, Chandran D (2019) Effector mining from the Erysiphe pisi haustorial transcriptome identifies novel candidates involved in pea powdery mildew pathogenesis. Mol. Plant Pathol. |
  24. Pal S, Medatwal N, Kumar S, Kar A, Komalla V, Yavvari P.S., Mishra D, Rizvi Z.R., Nandan S, Malakar D, Pillai M, Awasthi A, Das P, Sharma R. D., Srivastava A, Sengupta S, Dasgupta U, and Bajaj A (2019) A Localized Chimeric Hydrogel Therapy Combats Tumor Progression through Alteration of Sphingolipid Metabolism ACS Central Sci |
  25. S Ankur, DS Atul, M Jignesh, S Nishith, K Meena , CK Avinash ,RC Subhasree , G Prasenjit , K Surajit (2019) Disulfide-Bridged Chitosan-Eudragit S-100 Nanoparticles for Colorectal Cancer ACS Appl. Nano Mater | 6409-6417
  26. Johnson MK, Kottur J, Nair DT. (2019) A polar filter in DNA polymerases preventsribonucleotide incorporation. Nucleic Acids Res. 10693-10705
  27. Ghodke PP, Bommisetti P, Nair DT, Pradeepkumar PI. (2019) Synthesis of N(2)-Deoxyguanosine Modified DNAs and the Studies on Their Translesion Synthesis by the E. coli DNA Polymerase IV. J Org Chem| 84:1734
  28. Grover R, Burse SA, Shankrit S, Aggarwal A, Kirti K, Narta K, Srivastav R, Ray AK, Malik G, Vats A, Motiani RK, Thukral L, Roy SS, Bhattacharya S, Sharma R, Natarajan K, Mukerji M, Pandey R, Gokhale RS and Natarajan VT (2019). Myg1 exonuclease couples the nuclear and mitochondrial translational programs through RNA processing. Nucleic Acid Research. 5852-5866.
  29. Selokar NL, Sharma P, Saini M, Sheoran S, Rajendran R, Kumar D, Sharma RK, Motiani RK, Kumar P, Jerome A, Khanna S, Yadav PS (2019). Success cloning of a superior breeding bull. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 6;9(1):11366.
  30. Gupta S, Thakur J, Pal S, Gupta R, Mishra D, Kumar S, Yadav K, Saini A, Yavvari P, Vedantham M, Singh A, Srivastava A, Prasad R and Bajaj A (2019) Cholic Acid-Peptide Conjugates (CAPs) as Potent Antimicrobials against Interkingdom Polymicrobial Biofilms. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy | 63:11
  31. Vashisht S, Verma S, Salunke DM. (2019) Cross-clade antibody reactivity may attenuate the ability of influenza virus to evade the immune response. Mol Immunol | 114:149
  32. Bhasym A, Bhakuni T and Guchhait P. (2019) Elevated surface-bound complement factor-H alters the function of platelets and monocytes in FHR1/3-null healthy individuals. Blood Cells Molecules Diseases |
  33. Kumar S, Thakur J, Yadav K, Mitra M, Pal S, Ray A, Gupta S, Medatwal N, Gupta R, Mishra D, Rani P, Padhi S, Sharma P, Kapil Ar, Srivastava A, Priyakumar, U Deva, Dassgupta U, Thukral L, Bajaj A. (2019) Cholic Acid-Derived Amphiphile can Combat Gram-Positive Bacteria-mediated Infections via Disintegration of Lipid Clusters. ACS Biomaterials Sci & Eng. |
  34. Kidwai S, Bouzeyne R, Chakraborti S, Khare N, Das S, Gosain T, Behura A, Meena C, Dhiman R, Essafi M, Bajaj A, Saini D, Srinivasan N, Mahajan D and Singh R. (2019) NU-6027 inhibits growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by targeting Protein Kinase D and Protein Kinase G. Antimicrobial Agents Chem | DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00996-19
  35. Sreekanth V and Bajaj A (2019) Recent Advances in Engineering of Lipid-Drug Conjugates for Cancer Therapy.ACS Biomaterials Sci. & Eng |
  36. P Banerjee, Chanchal, D Jain (2019) Sensor I regulated ATPase activity of FleQ is essential for motility to biofilm transition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa ACS Chemical Biology |
  37. Kumar H, Pushpa K, Kumari A, Verma K, Pergu R, Mylavarapu SVS. (2019) The Exocyst complex and Rab5 are required for abscission by localizing ESCRT III subunits to the cytokinetic bridge. J Cell Sci | Doi: 10.1242/jcs.226001. [Epub ahead of print]
  38. Verma J, Bag S, Saha B, Kumar P, Ghosh TS, Dayal M, Senapati T, Mehra S, Dey P, Desigamani A, Kumar D, Rana P, Kumar B, Maiti TK, Sharma NC, Bhadra RK, Mutreja A, Nair GB, Ramamurthy T, Das B. (2019) Genomic plasticity associated with antimicrobial resistance in Vibrio cholerae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. | 116:6226
  39. Mukherjee S, Akbar I, Kumari B, Vrati S, Basu A and Banerjee A (2019) Japanese Encephalitis Virus-induced let-7a/b interacted with the NOTCH-TLR7 pathway in microglia and facilitated neuronal death via caspase activation. J Neurochem | 149:518
  40. Puraswani M, Khandelwal P, Saini H, Saini S, Gurjar B.S., Sinha A, Shende R.P, Maiti T.K, Singh A.K, Kanga U, Ali U, Agarwal I, Anand K, Prasad N, Rajendran P, Sinha R, Vasudevan A, Saxena A, Agarwal S.K., Hari P, Sahu A, Rath S and Bagga A (2019) Clinical and immunological profile of anti-factor H antibody associated atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: A nationwide database Front. Immunol. | 10:1282
  41. Bhasym A, Annarapu GK, Saha S, Shrimali N, Gupta S, Seth T, Guchhait P. (2019) Neutrophils develop rapid proinflammatory response after engulfing Hb-activated platelets under intravascular hemolysis. Clin Exp Immunol | Doi: 10.1111/cei.13310
  42. Sharma Y, Ahmad A, Yavvari PS, Kumar S, Bajaj A, Khan F (2019) Targeted SHP-1 silencing modulates macrophage phenotype leading to metabolic improvement in dietary obese mice. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids | 16:626
  43. Megta AK, Mishra AK, Palva A, von Ossowski I, Krishnan V (2019) Crystal structure of basal pilin SpaE reveals the molecular basis of its incorporation in the lactobacillar SpaFED pilus. J Struct Biol | 207:74
  44. R Mehra, S Bhushan, F Bast, S Singh (2019) Marine macroalga Caulerpa: role of its metabolites in modulating cancer signaling. Molecular Biology Reports | 46:3545
  45. Bhakuni T, Singhal R, Aannarapu GK, Sharma A, Mahapatra M, Saxena R, Guchhait P (2019) Unique case of autoantibody mediated inactivation of ADAMTS13 in an Indian TTP patient. Blood Cells Molecules Diseases | 77:29
  46. Bhasym A, Gurjar BS, Sriharsha TM, Bhasym A, Prabhu S, Puraswani M, Khandelwal P, Saini H, Saini S, Verma AK, Chatterjee P, Bal V, George A, Sharma A, Hari P, Sinha A, Bagga A, Rath S, Guchhait P (2019) Altered Peripheral Blood Leucocyte Phenotype and Responses in Healthy Individuals with Homozygous Deletion of FHR1 and FHR3 Gene. J Clinical Immunology | 39:336
  47. R Singhal, DK Rathore, T Bhakuni, T Seth, P Guchhait (2019) Absence of Nonclassical Monocytes in Hemolytic Patients : Free Hb and NO-Mediated Mechanism Journal of Immunology Research | 2019:1
  48. Pergu R, Dagar S, Kumar H, Kumar R, Bhattacharya J, Mylavarapu SVS (2019) The chaperone ERp29 is required for tunneling nanotube formation by stabilizing MSec. J Biol Chem | 294:7177
  49. Vemanna RS, Bakade R, Bharti P, Kumar MKP, Sreeman SM, Senthil-Kumar M and Makarla U (2019) Cross-Talk Signaling in Rice During Combined Drought and Bacterial Blight Stress Front. Plant Sci | 10:193
  50. Das S, Kumar P, Verma A, Maiti TK, Mathew SJ. (2019) Myosin heavy chain mutations that cause Freeman-Sheldon syndrome lead to muscle structural and functional defects in Drosophila. | Developmental Biology | 449:90
  51. Awasthi A, Kumar P, Srikanth CV, Sahi S, Puria R. (2019) Invitro Evaluation of Torin2 and 2, 6-Dihydroxyacetophenone in Colorectal Cancer Therapy. Pathol Oncol Res | 25:301
  52. SK Thakur, M Srivastava, A Kumar, R Goel, S Asthana, Eswaran S.V (2019) A Multidimensional Approach to Explore the Use of a Small Heterobifunctional Crosslinker based on a Metabolite of the Kynurenine Pathway. J Proteomics Bioinform | 12:10
  53. Kandanur SGS, Kundu S, Cadena C., Juan HS, Bajaj A, Guzman JD, Nanduri S, Golakoti NR, (2019) Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of new 12‐substituted‐14‐deoxy‐andrographolide derivatives as apoptosis inducers. Chemistry Lett | 73:1669
  54. Yavvari PS, Verma P, Mustfa SA, Pal S, Kumar S, Awasthi AK, Ahuja V, Srikanth CV, Srivastava A, Bajaj A. (2019) A nanogel based oral gene delivery system targeting SUMOylation machinery to combat gut inflammation. Nanoscale | 11:4970
  55. Bhatnagar S, Majumder P.P, Salunke D.M (2019) A Pregnancy Cohort to Study Multidimensional Correlates of Preterm Birth in India: Study Design, Implementation, and Baseline Characteristics of the Participants. American Journal of Epidemiology | 188:621
  56. Srivastava A, Yavvari PS, Awasthi AK, Sharma A, Bajaj A. (2019) Emerging Biomedical Applications of Polyaspartic Acid-Derived Biodegradable Polyelectrolytes and Polyelectrolyte Complexes. J. Mater. Chem. | 7:2102
  57. Madhvi A, Hingane S, Srivastav R, Joshi N, Subramani C, Muthumohan R, Khasa R, Varshney S, Kalia M, Vrati S, Surjit M, Ranjith-Kumar CT (2017)A screen for novel hepatitis C virus RdRp inhibitor identifies a broad-spectrum antiviral compound. Sci Rep | 7:5186
  58. Jain D, Salunke DM (2019) Antibody specificity and promiscuity. Biochem J | 476:433
  59. K Kumar, F Askari, MS Sahu, R Kaur (2019) Candida glabrata: A Lot More Than Meets the Eye.Microorganisms | 7:39
  60. Mitra M, Asad M, Kumar S, Yadav K, Chaudhary S, Bhavesh N.S., Khalid S, Thukral L and Bajaj A (2019) Distinct Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Dictates Antimicrobial Action of Membrane-Targeting Amphiphiles. J. Phys. Chem. Lett | 10:754
  61. Yadav K, Kumar S, Mishra S, Asad M, Mitra M, Yavvari PS, Gupta S, Vedantham M, Ranga P, Komalla V, Pal S, Sharma P, Kapil A, Singh A, Singh N, Srivastava A, Thukral L and Bajaj A (2019)Deciphering the Role of Intramolecular Networking in Cholic Acid-Peptide Conjugates (CAPs) at Lipopolysaccharide Surface in Combating Gram-negative Bacterial Infections. J. Med. Chem. | 62:1875
  62. Dwivedi D, Kumari A, Rathi S, Mylavarapu SVS, Sharma M. (2019) The dynein adaptor Hook2 plays essential roles in mitotic progression and cytokinesis.J Cell Biol | 218:871
  63. Yadav K, Yavvari PS, Pal S, Kumar S, Mishra D, Gupta S, Mitra S, Soni V, Khare N, Sharma P, Srikanth C.V, Kapil A, Singh A, Nandicoori V.K, Bajaj A. (2019) Oral Delivery of Cholic Acid-Derived Amphiphile Helps in Combating Salmonella-mediated Gut Infection and Inflammation Bioconjugate Chem. | 30:721
  64. Mylavarapu S, Kumar H, Kumari S, Sravanthi LS, Jain M, Basu A, Biswas M, Mylavarapu SVS, Das A, Roy M. (2019) Activation of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Altered β-Catenin Signaling in a Novel Indian Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Line. Front. Oncol. | 9:54
  65. Ghodke PP, Bommisetti P, Nair DT, Pradeepkumar PI. (2019) Synthesis of N2 -deoxyguanosine modified DNAs and the studies on their translesion synthesis by the E. coli DNA polymerase IV. J Org Chem. | 84:1734
  66. Kumariya R, Garsa AK, Rajput YS, Sood SK, Akhtar N, Patel S. (2019) Bacteriocins: Classification, synthesis, mechanism of action and resistance development in food spoilage causing bacteria. Microb Pathog. 128:171
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