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Deciphering the substrate specificity of housekeeping and pilus-specific sortases from probiotic Lactococcus lactis

Sortases are cysteine transpeptidase enzymes that decorate the Gram-positive bacterial cell wall with various surface proteins and pili to facilitate the interactions with the host and environment for the colonization. While the sortases and sortase anchored proteins from Gram-positive pathogens have been the prime focus of the research in the past, sortases from many non-pathogenic bacteria, including Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains, have recently attracted attention for their potential applications in vaccine delivery and other clinical interventions.

Novel strategy to reduce herbicide residue in grains by stacking detoxification and resistance genes

Weeds are the major concern in crop production, thus affecting the world economy and food security. Developing glyphosate-resistant (GR) transgenic crops has revolutionized weed management practices and significantly benefited crop production. However, the major concern is that glyphosate accumulates in the plant tissues and affects physiological functions, crop yield, and quality. Cytotoxic effects of glyphosate and their complications have been reported. Hence, removing glyphosate residues is desirable.

Dietary alpha-ketoglutarate inhibits SARS CoV-2 infection and rescues inflamed lungs to restore O2 saturation by inhibiting pAkt

Agarwal S, Kaur S et al. suggested a therapeutic approach against COVID-19. They described that an elevated inflammation, thrombosis and apoptotic tissue damage in the lungs causes hypoxemia leading to a decreased oxygen pressure saturation (SpO2) in circulation of SARS CoV-2 infected animals. Alpha-ketoglutarate (αKG) supplementation rescues the inflamed lungs to restore normal SpO2 by increasing PHD2-mediated inhibition of Akt phosphorylation (pAkt), without affecting anti-viral response of T cells and IgG.


Purification of exosome-enriched proteins produced in a Drosophila cell line by size exclusion chromatography

Exosomes are a class of extracellular vesicles that play a role in intercellular signaling under diverse contexts. Here we describe a protocol that has been optimized for the isolation and characterization of exosomes from a Drosophila melanogaster cell line using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The specific focus of this protocol was to examine the starvation-induced exosome-loading of a protein.



Nutritionally enhanced biofortified wheat-based diets promote healthy lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster

Biofortification of food crops has been utilized as a cost-effective and feasible strategy to increase the nutritional value of food and improve the health of populations that have limited access to diverse diets and other micronutrient interventions. Wheat is one of the most widely grown staple crop in which conventional breeding approaches have been utilized for improvement in the content of iron, zinc, provitamin A, beta-carotene and anthocyanin content.

Molecular Dissection of a Conserved Cluster of miRNAs Identifies Critical Structural Determinants That Mediate Differential Processing

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) belong to the class of small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Approximately 50% of miRNA loci in Drosophila melanogaster reside in close proximity in the genome to form clusters that are transcribed together. Since, these clusters are transcribed as a single primary transcript, fine-tuning of the downstream effector pathways is achieved by post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that determine the processing efficiency.

MITF is a novel transcriptional regulator of STIM1: significance in physiological melanogenesis

Stromal Interaction Molecule1 (STIM1) is an endoplasmic reticulum calcium (Ca2+) sensor. Several disease states and enhanced biological phenomena are associated with increased STIM1 levels and activity. However, molecular mechanisms driving STIM1 expression remain largely unappreciated. Here using melanocytes as a model system, we demonstrate that Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is a critical regulator of STIM1 expression and thereby activity.

Arabidopsis Acetyl Xylan Esterase (AXE) overexpression improves lignocellulosic biomass digestibility

Xylan O-acetylation is critical for stable interaction with cellulose and other polymers in the cell wall. Its alteration improves cellulose as well as xylan digestibility. Xylan acetyl pool is regulated by Golgi and membrane localized esterase but they are not well characterized in plants. In this study, we have identified and characterized first plasma membrane localized xylan acetyl esterase and showed that its overexpression improves digestibility of polysaccharide.