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MoU was signed between Mizoram University and Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad on 03rd November, 2021

The MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MoU) was executed on 03 November, 2021 between Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad, providing incubation facilities in BSC BioNEST Bio-Incubator and Mizoram University (MZU), Aizawl. The Vice-chancellor of Mizoram University, Prof. KRS Sambasiva Rao and the Executive Director of RCB, Prof. Sudhanshu Vrati signed the MoU. Prof. J.K. Patnaik, Pro-Vice chancellor; Prof. Lalnundanga, Registrar; Prof. N. Senthil Kumar Dean School of Life Sciences, Prof. G. Gurusubramanian, Dr.