केंद्र का अधिदेश कई विषयों के इंटरफेस पर जैव प्रौद्योगिकी शिक्षा, प्रशिक्षण और अनुसंधान के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करना है। केंद्र के कार्यक्रम छात्रों के लिए बहु-विषयक अनुसंधान में संलग्न होने के अवसर पैदा करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। जहां वे मानव और पशु स्वास्थ्य, कृषि और पर्यावरण प्रौद्योगिकियों के लिए समाधान प्रदान करने के लिए इंजीनियरिंग, चिकित्सा और विज्ञान को एकीकृत करते हुए बायोटेक विज्ञान सीखते हैं।
Empowering India's Biological Data and Technology Frontiers
Pioneering Biotech Innovation Hubs
Core Divisions Supporting Innovation and Safety
Admission to PhD Programme 2024-25(Autumn)
Press release BioE3 policy
SARS-CoV2 Antiviral Activity Testing
Interview for Project-JRF position(Advt. No. 12/Project/2025/HR)
Vacancy for contractual position of Project Manager under the ETA project, BBB (Advt. No. RCB/BBB/01/2025/Rectt./HR)
Engagement of Consultant (Intellectual Property and Incubation) at RCB (Advt. No. RCB/Consultants/01/2025/HR)
Interview for Project-JRF position(Advt. No. 11/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Project Scientist-II (Advt. No. 10/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Project Technical Support-III Position
Interview for Project Research Associate I & Project Associate II Positions
Walk - in -Interview for Project Technical Support-III position at RCB, Faridabad on 28th February, 2025 at 11:00 AM
Interview for Project-JRF Position(Advt. No. 06/Project/2025/HR )
Interview for Project-JRF Position(Advt. No. 05/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Senior Project Assistant Position(Advt. No. 04/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Project-JRF Position(Advt. No. 03/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Project Associate-I Position(Advt. No. 02/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Junior Research Fellow Position (Advt. No. 01/Project/2025/HR)
Interview for Position of Senior Research Fellow Position (Advt. No. 41/Project/2024/HR )
Advertisement of position of Project Technical Support-III (Advt. No. 27/Project/2024/HR)(The last date of receipt of online application is 15th October, 2024, 05:00 PM)
Engagement of Consultant (Civil) at RCB (Advt. No. RCB/Consultant/11/2024/HR)(The last date of receipt of online application is 22.10.2024)
Advertisement of the position of Project-Research Associate-I (RA-I)(Advt. No. 26/Project/2024/HR)(The last date of receipt of online application is 11th October, 2024, 5:00 PM)
Engagement of Consultant (Technical) at BBB, RCB (Advt. No. RCB/Consultant/10/2024/HR)(The last date of receipt of online application is 17-10-2024)
Advertisement on RCB's Website for contractual positions of Programmer under the IBDC project at RCB(The last date of receipt of online application is 16-10-2024)
Result for Advertisement 25/Project/2024/HR.
Result for Advertisement 24/Project/2024/HR.
Result for Advertisement 23/Project/2024/HR.
Result for Advertisement 22/Project/2024/HR
Result for Advertisement 21/Project/2024/HR
Result for Advertisement 20/Project/2024/HR
Result for Advertisement 19/Project/2024/HR
Result Notice- RCB/ATPC/01/2021/Rectt.HR
Result Notice- RCB/ATPC/01/2021/Rectt.HR
Shortlisted Candidates for PhD Admission
Selected Candidates for RCB PhD programe
Sr. No. | Tender Type | Title | Corrigendum/Clarification | Tender Number | Important Dates |
1. | Global/Open Tenders | Repairing work of Cooling Tower at ESS Building Terrace at NCR Biotech Scie… | 17-02-2025
RCB/04-01/96/NIT-18/2024-25 |
'Last date of submission'
2. | Global/Open Tenders | Rate Contract for Hydraulic Testing, Painting and Refilling of Different Ty… | 03-02-2025
RCB/04-04/123/NIT-11/2024-25 |
'Last date of submission'