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Publications 2015

  1. Jain A, Kesharwani P, Garg NK, Jain A, Jain SA, Jain AK, Nirbhavane P, Ghanghoria R, Tyagi RK, Katare OP (2015) Galactose engineered solid lipid nanoparticles for targeted delivery of doxorubicin. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 134:47
  2. Chaurasia P, von Ossowski I, Palva A, Krishnan V. (2015) X-ray diffraction analysis of two crystals forms of backbone pilin SpaA fragment from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Journal of proteins and proteomics 6:30
  3. Bhattacharya S, Hanpude P, Maiti TK. (2015)  Cancer associated missense mutations in BAP1 catalytic domain induce amyloidogenic aggregation: A new insight in enzymatic inactivation. Sci Rep 5:18462
  4. Kottur J. & Nair DT (2016) Reactive oxygen species play an important role in bactericidal activity of quinolone antibiotics. Angewandte Chemie 55: 2397
  5. Ghodke PP, Gore KR, Harikrishna S, Samanta B, Kottur J, Nair DT, Pradeepkumar PI.(2015)  The N2-Furfuryl-Deoxyguanosine (fdG) Adduct Does Not Alter the Structure of B-DNA. J Org Chem 81:502
  6. Jain D, Naveen Narayanan, Deepak T Nair (2015) Plasticity in repressor-DNA interactions neutralizes loss of symmetry in bipartite operators J Biol Chem 291:1235
  7. Chandran D, Scanlon MJ, Ohtsu K, Timmermans MC, Schnable PS, Wildermuth MC (2015)  Laser Microdissection-Mediated Isolation and In Vitro Transcriptional Amplification of Plant RNA. Curr Protoc Mol Biol 112:25A.3.1
  8. Singhal R, Annarapu GK, Pandey A, Chawla S, Ojha A, Gupta A, Cruz MA, Seth T, Guchhait P. (2015)  Hemoglobin interaction with GP1ba induces platelet activation and apoptosis: a novel mechanism associated with intravascular hemolysis. Haematologica 100:1526
  9. Da Q, Teruya M, Guchhait P, Teruya J, Olson JS, Cruz MA (2015)  Free hemoglobin increases von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet adhesion in vitro: implications on circulatory devices. Blood 126:2338
  10. Kaur H, Salunke DM (2015)  Antibody promiscuity: Understanding the paradigm shift in antigen recognition. IUBMB Life 67:498
  11. Verma S, Srikanth CV. (2015)  Understanding the complexities of Salmonella-host crosstalk as revealed by in vivo model organisms. IUBMB Life 67:482
  12. Chandran D (2015)  Co-option of developmentally regulated plant SWEET transporters for pathogen nutrition and abiotic stress tolerance. IUBMB Life 67:461
  13. Pandey A, Chawla S, Guchhait P (2015)  Type-2 diabetes: Current understanding and future perspectives. IUBMB Life 67:506
  14. Kundu S, Kumar S, Bajaj A. (2015)  Cross-talk between bile acids and gastrointestinal tract for progression and development of cancer and its therapeutic implications. IUBMB Life 67:514
  15. Bhattacharjee S, Noor JJ, Gohain B, Gulabani H, Dnyaneshwar IK, Singla A. (2015)  Post-translational modifications in regulation of pathogen surveillance and signaling in plants: The inside- (and perturbations from) outside story. IUBMB Life 67:524
  16. Hanpude P, Bhattacharya S, Dey AK, Maiti TK (2015)  Deubiquitinating enzymes in cellular signaling and disease regulation. IUBMB Life 67:544
  17. Nair DT, Kottur J, Sharma R (2015)  A rescue act: Translesion DNA synthesis past N2 -deoxyguanosine adducts. IUBMB Life 67:564
  18. Krishnan V (2015)  Pilins in gram-positive bacteria: A structural perspective. IUBMB Life 67:533
  19. Agarwal M, Kumar P, Mathew SJ (2015)  The Groucho/Transducin-like enhancer of split protein family in animal development. IUBMB Life 67:472
  20. Kumar M, Pushpa K, Mylavarapu SV (2015)  Splitting the cell, building the organism: Mechanisms of cell division in metazoan embryos IUBMB Life 67:575
  21. Jain D (2015)  Allosteric control of transcription in GntR family of transcription regulators: A structural overview. IUBMB Life 67:556
  22. Verma S, Mohapatra G, Ahmed SM, Rana S, Jain S, Khalsa JK, Srikanth CV. (2015)  Salmonella engages host microRNAs to modulate SUMOylation: a new arsenal for intracellular survival. Mol Cell Biol.Jun 22. pii: MCB.00397-15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:26100020
  23. Chaurasia P, von Ossowski I, Palva A, Krishnan V, (2015) Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of SpaD, a backbone-pilin subunit encoded by the fimbrial spaFED operon in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Acta Crystallogr F71:103
  24. S. Kumar, P. Bhargava, V. Sreekanth, and A. Bajaj, (2015) Design, Synthesis, and Physico-Chemical Interactions of Bile Acid Derived Dimeric Phospholipid Amphiphiles with Model Membranes. J. Colloid Interface Sci 448:398
  25. K. Yadav, P. Bhargava, S. Bansal, M. Singh, S. Gupta, G. Sandhu, S. Kumar, V. Sreekanth, and A. Bajaj, (2015) Nature of the Charged Head Group Dictates the Anticancer Potential of Lithocholic Acid-Tamoxifen Conjugates For Breast Cancer Therapy, MedChemComm 6:778
  26. A. Sharma, S. Bansal, A. A. Pohane, A. Bajaj, V. Jain, A. Srivastava. (2015) Cell-Penetrating Synthetic Antimicrobial Polypeptides (SAMPs) Exhibiting Potent and Selective Killing of Mycobacterium by Targeting its DNA. Chem Eur J 21:3540
  27. Kottur J, Sharma A, Gore KR, Narayanan N, Samanta B, Pradeepkumar PI, Nair DT. (2015) Unique Structural Features in DNA Polymerase IV Enable Efficient Bypass of the N(2) Adduct Induced by the Nitrofurazone Antibiotic. Structure 23:56
  28. Weinert T, Olieric V, Waltersperger S, Panepucci E, Chen L, Zhang H, Zhou D, Rose J, Ebihara A, Kuramitsu S, Li D, Howe N, Schnapp G, Pautsch A, Bargsten K, Prota AE, Surana P, Kottur J, Nair DT, Basilico F, Cecatiello V, Pasqualato S, Boland A, Weichenrieder O, Wang BC, Steinmetz MO, Caffrey M, Wang M. (2015) Fast native-SAD phasing for routine macromolecular structure determination. Nat Methods 12:131
  29. M Singh, S Bansal, S Kundu, P Bhargava, A Singh, R Motiani, R Shyam, V Sreekanth, S Sengupta, A Bajaj. (2015) Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Mechanistic Investigation of Lithocholic Acid Amphiphiles for Colon Cancer Therapy. Med Chem Commun 6:192
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