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Date & Time Speaker Title Venue
05-10-2017 16:00:00 Dr. D. Mitra Cellular factors and signaling pathways: novel targets in the fight against HIV/AIDS Auditorium complex
05-10-2017 15:30:00 Dr. Rashna Bhandari Protein pyrophosphorylation - ten years and counting Auditorium complex
05-10-2017 15:00:00 Prof. Vidita Vaidya Role of serotonin in the programming of psychiatric vulnerability Auditorium complex
29-09-2016 08:00:00 Prof .P. Balaram, Molecular Biophysics Unit Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560012 "Integration Mass Spectrometry and Next Generation Sequencing in the Analysis of Cone Snail Venom Peptide Libraries" Auditorium complex
29-09-2015 10:30:00 Prof. G.B. Nair, Translational Health Science and Technology Institute RCB Colloquium from Genomes to Public Health-The Cholera Example Auditorium complex
30-09-2014 17:30:00 Satyajit Rath, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi Misleading randomness, antifragility and the Red Queen problem: case studies in immunological heterogeneity ATPC Seminar Room
30-09-2014 08:00:00 Karuppannan Veluthambi, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu Rice functional genomics through Agrobacterium T-DNA tagging ATPC Seminar Room
27-09-2013 17:00:00 Angelo Azzi, Tufts University Boston, USA Lipid Metabolism, Genes, and their Regulation by Natural Compounds ATPC Seminar Room
27-09-2013 07:30:00 Joel L. Sussman, Weizmann Institute of Science, ISRAEL How Nerve Agents Function Through Anti-Alzheimer Drugs: 3D Structure of Acetylcholinesterase ATPC Seminar Room