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Overview of Academic Programmes

Research-based- learning is the hallmark of the RCB academic program. The design and processes of the education at this Centre is such that it will generate technology savvy solution finders, knowledge economy entrepreneurs, and research and development leaders.

The Centre aims to provide education and training in the biotech sciences at the pre- doctoral, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels. The Centre has already initiated an interdisciplinary PhD program that aims at producing a highly specialized cadre of scientists capable of undertaking research and development at the highest level in the area of biotech sciences. A Master’s program, and an integrated Master’s and PhD program in Biotechnology are offered since 2018. A Post-doctoral program for the young scientists is ongoing where talented PhDs get an opportunity to train under the mentorship of RCB faculty.

Domain-specific short-term training programs are designed to create a cadre of highly specialized scientists for high-end research and technology development. Interdisciplinary education and training programs at the Centre will be constantly evolving, and will be a source of new ideas and methods in teaching in biotechnology.

An important focus of expertise building will be regulation, product development, scale up, manufacturing science and bio-entrepreneurship. The Centre provides opportunities for career development for highly trained scientists and is open to industry for enhancing their skills in specific areas required for career advanceme