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Distinguished Lecture Series

Date & Time Speaker Title Venue
05-02-2016 09:30:00 Prof. Maria Leptin, Director, European Molecular Biology, Organization EMBO Heidelberg, Germany & Professor, Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany Cell Shape and Morphogenesis: Subcellular and Supracellular Mechanisms RCB Faridabd Seminar Room II
16-03-2015 08:30:00 Prof. Ronald D Vale, University of California, San Francisco and Howard Hughes Medical institute Biology's Nanoscale motors RCB Faridabd
10-12-2014 08:30:00 Prof. Mauro Giacca, Director - General International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Trieste, Italy New Genes for Old Hearts ATPC Seminar Room
07-10-2014 08:30:00 Prof. Jack Johnson, Scripps Institute, San Diego, USA Studies of Assembly and Maturation of ds DNA Viruses Reveal Novel Mechanisms Driving Biological Dynamics ATPC Seminar Room
22-08-2014 08:30:00 Prof. Raghavendra Gadagkar, President, INSA & INSA SN Bose Research Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Social Regulation of Reproduction in an Insect Society ATPC Seminar Room
08-07-2014 09:30:00 Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan, Secretary, DBT Government of India & Senior Professor NCBS, Bangalore Controlling Brain and Brawn Development: Regulating Stem Cell Expansion and Lineage Properties ATPC Seminar Room
04-07-2014 09:30:00 Prof. John Kuriyan, Department of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley Activation-Triggered Subunit Exchange in the Dodecameric Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Holoenzyme ATPC Seminar Room