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MoU was signed between Mizoram University and Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad on 03rd November, 2021
03-11-2021 |
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DBT announces the launch of the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC) at RCB
02-04-2020 |
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DBT announces the launch of the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC) at RCB
02-04-2020 |
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Dr. Anil Thakur gets the Ramalingaswami Fellowship
18-03-2020 |
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Dr. Rajender Motiani gets the Wellcome Trust-DBT Intermediate Fellowship
27-02-2020 |
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Researchers combat tumour growth by packing three drugs into a single biomaterial - October, 2019
02-10-2019 |
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GSK Pharma & RCB launch ‘Trust in Science Programme’ June, 2019 Wednesday, June 26, 2019
26-06-2019 |
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Dr. Kinshuk Raj Srivastava gets the Ramalingaswami Fellowship
21-05-2019 |
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Potential therapy for dengue, Japanese encephalitis - December, 2018
08-12-2018 |