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Dr. Amit Kumar Dey, Research Associate in Dr. Tushar Kanti Maiti’ lab, won a ‘Molecular Omics’ best poster award from Royal Society of Chemistry, UK at the International Conference on Proteomics for Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine held at NCCS, Pune,
06-12-2018 |
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Dr. Nair's recent work on the DNA synthesis reaction has been accepted as a Breakthrough Article by Nucleic Acids Research
23-06-2018 |
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Dr. Gunjan Sharma, a SERB NPDF in Dr. Divya Chandran's lab, was one of the winners of the SERB-ACS online research poster competition in the life sciences category - June, 2018
14-06-2018 |
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RCB scientists develop nanotech-based novel cancer drug delivery system, tech transfer talks at advanced stage
08-04-2018 |
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Signing Ceremony of MoA between DBT and UNESCO, concerning the RCB
06-04-2018 |
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Dr. Sam Mathew's recent work on the paediatric cancer rhabdomyosarcoma has been featured on the news portal
05-04-2018 |
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Amrita Kumari's (PhD student in Dr. Sivaram Mylavarapu's lab) poster was selected for a poster award at the International Congress of Cell Biology 2018 (ICCB 2018) at Hyderabad, India held from January 27 - 31, 2018.
31-01-2018 |
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Akriti Sharma's (PhD student ) poster abstract was selected for an oral presentation at the International Congress of Cell Biology 2018 (ICCB 2018) at Hyderabad, India held from January 27 - 31, 2018.
31-01-2018 |
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Pergu Rajaiah (PhD student in Dr. Sivaram Mylavarapu's lab) was selected for a travel award at the International Congress of Cell Biology 2018 (ICCB 2018) at Hyderabad, India held from January 27 - 31, 2018.
27-01-2018 |